3. I want Thomas!

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Hello, im here again, with a long chapter this time. ( almost 3k, wow)
I tried my best to include every character in this but honestly there is so many of them it would be boring if i write every interaction. I even thought about removing some of the characters from TW or TMR like Theo, clint, jeff and some others but couldn't bring myself to actually do it.
Anyway, i tried my best so enjoy.

(Its 4 am here and i have a class tomorrow at 8am, but here i am, who needs sleep anyway)


"I remember them all" he whispered in a sad voice, "Now why am i here? Why are they all here? How are some of them even alive? I .. i watched them die.. how are they here?" He said as his eyes danced between Newt and Chuck and Alby and Annika and Allison and many other friends he lost in his lives. Tears were gathering in his eyes again threatening to fall.

Why was he really here? Didn't he suffered enough? Why would someone put all these people in a room with him? They didn't even say anything to him just standing there staring at him like some sort of tragic show with pity in their eyes.

He was starting to get angry, he turned around facing the girl, Abiona again
"What? You brought me here to torture me some more? Everything i have been though so far wasn't enough for you? Who the hell are you anyway. You don't look like the bitch who cursed me" he was panting, voice laced with anger and hurt.

"Relax Dylan, im here to help. You have been wronged by a power that had no right to do what they did to you. And im here on behalf of Abeona, the Godess of travel and journeys to make amends" Abioma said in a calm voice, making
Dylan even more angry " i have been wronged? Wronged? I lived 8 fucking life full of torture and loss and NOW you came to make amends? Where were you when i lost my family? When i lost my friends? When i fell in love to lose them again, time after fucking time? Huh? I don't want you to repay me, just send me back and leave me the fuck alone."
He yelled at her, anger blazing in his voice and eyes.

"If i send you back now, the curse will not break and you will vanish to another life again Dylan, do you really want that?"
Abiona said with a slight annoyed tone. Though she understood why he said what he said, she couldn't help being annoyed at him, she wasn't a very patient person after all.

Dylan took a deep breath, trying to calm himself and thinking everything through.
He turned toward his friends from all of his lives and raised an eyebrow.
"Why aren't they saying anything? Are they even real?"

Abiona nodded, signaling to others that they can talk, but glared at them when all of them opened their mouth to talk at the same time which made everyone to close their mouth again looking at each other to see who should talk first, when an annoyed voice echoed through the room.

"Bloody hell, this is shucking weird. Yes Tommy we are all real. Just been threatened to not speak all at once and overwhelm you, by the scarry lady behind you" Newt said with a slight smirk, though he had tears in his eyes from seeing his Tommy in so much pain.

Dylan's breath hitched, hearing the nickname in that voice and accent again was like a dream. Now that he remembered everything he couldn't help but compare Newt and Thomas. How they were so alike but different at the same time.
Realizing he was staring at Newt in silence, Dylan opened his mouth to talk, to answer, to ask how he was even there, but nothing came out.

Someone called his name from his right making his body go stiff, Scott. He clenched his fist and turned toward him. He was shaking with anger and disgust as his supposed best friend.

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