7. Hidden feelings

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Im back with a long chapter.
Enjoy guys.


"Now let's see the hidden emotions under the sarcasm. Shal we? And keep your question and remarks for the end" Abiona demanded and a new memory took shape in front of them

Almost everyone had tears in their eyes.
Dylan sighed not looking up from his hands. He didn't need to see the pity in their eyes.

"Who were you talking to?" Aris questioned.
"Ahh, my therapist in Eichen House. It was a mental hospital i admitted myself into after i found out about being possessed."he cleared his throat

"So what? Everyone have gone through worse" Scott snorted but his smile was wiped out when Melissa slapped him in the face.

"Scott McCall, this is not how i raised you. Just because you went through some shit , doesn't give you the right to belittle others pain." She scolded him angrily.

The room was quiet for a few moment until Chris remark broke it, making everyone chuckle.
"You're hot when you're angry"
Melissa smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"So can i ask you a question Thomas?" Marry asked

Dylan turned in his seat so he was facing her. He never forgave himself for her death, not when he could see the pain in Vince's eyes every second.
"Go ahead" he forced a smile on his lips.

"Why were you in a hospital?" Marry asked and everyone nodded wanting to know as well.
"And why was it looked like someone was drowning you?" She added at last.

"Uhh.. these are related to each other actually, so let me explain from the start."
Everyone nodded, waiting for Dylan to gather his thoughts and explain.

"So remember when i told you about the darach and human sacrifices?" He didn't wait for an answer before continuing
"I told you the last group were guardians, so guess who are the most common guardians? Parents"

Dylan took a deep breath "Jennifer or Julia or whatever her name was, made the biggest mistake of her life by taking mine and Allison's fathers alongside Scott's mother for her sacrifice.
We figured out that she took them to the Nemeton, a giant tree stump which was magical and shit.
But we didn't know where the Nemeton was located  So we..uhh sacrificed ourselves to find it"

"You did what?" Zart yelled form his seat looking at him with wide eyes.

"Why don't we just watch?" Yo-Yo suggested and everyone agreed.

"Oh my god, you didn't tell me it was like that." Chris said to Allison who just shrugged

"So what happened when you died?" Jeff asked confused as how it helped finding a tree stump.

"We woke up in a large white room with a tree stump in the middle, when Scott  touched it we all remembered where we last saw the Nemeton without realizing it at the time, then we woke up and realized we were dead for 16 hours and we had only four hours left to save them" Allison clarified.

"So how does it connect with you being in a hospital?" Marry asked Dylan, reminding him of the original question.

"When we died, the act opened a door in our mind.
Its complicated. We all had nightmares or other side effects but mine was worse, i had this symptoms..." Dylan trailed off and looked at Abiona, silently asking her to show them

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