2. Thomas!!?

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Hi guys, here is the second real chapter, i will post the next one soon enough.
I hope you enjoy this.
And feel free to suggest videos from YouTube for any of the movies. Thanks
(Also, the art is not mine again, but i don't know the artist. )

To say it was chaotic would be an understatement. Everyone was talking at the same time, asking the people they didn't know who they were.
Asking the ones who were supposed to be dead how they were there. There was tears of joy being shed for having the opportunity to see their loved ones once again. 
And they were accusing the other groups of being the person who brought them here.

The only reason there was no bloodshed was because the supernatural creatures couldn't use their powers and the others had no weapon on them, although a couple of punches had been thrown there was nothing major. 

Adiona had enough so she pulled herself from the shadows of the room and announced her presence with a loud clap of her hands, "OK, thats enough, everyone be quiet please "
As if they were deaf, everyone start asking who she was and where they were and..
" for Goddess sake can you all shut up for a minute, or i swear to Abeona i will shut your lips together" she said while her eyes glow with anger. And that did it, everyone went quiet and stared at her in silence.

Taking a deep breath to collect her thoughts she begin to explain what was going on.
"Now, my name is Adiona im known as the Goddess of safe returns from journeys, im also known as Abeona's partner. Actually she is the one who sent me here and she's the Goddess of outward journeys"

She took a deep breath again and continued "you have been brought here by me because all of you have something in common. Someone in common. Someone that you all lost in the past couple of months.a boy with brown hair and eyes, white skin with a constellation of moles scattered on his white skin. Ring a bell?"
She looked at the crowd and was satisfied to see the recognization drawn on their faces.

"We are here because the person that you know or think you know, have been wronged severely and no one had noticed until now. And when we -me and Abeona-taken notice of this, we decided that we should make it up to him by giving him a choice"
There was confusion in everyones face but no one dared to talk.

"When i bring him here im expecting all of you to behave and let him talk before you attack him with your dumb questions. Or the Gods help me, i will sew your lips together. Am i clear?"
There was a chores of "yes" around the room.
"Good" Abiona nodded in approval.

"Now before i bring him here i will explain to you a little of what had happened to him so please take a seat and listen"
Everyone was shocked when they were suddenly sat in comfortable chairs all in their own group of friends.

"So story time. 8 month ago, by your timeline a boy who was raised in a word with supernatural creatures in them went missing" she point to where the pack has been sitting
"yes, supernatural existed in their word, there is werewolves, kitsunes, werecoyotes and a lot of other things.
And yes im saying their world because there are a lot of alternate universes that each group of you are from."

"So back to the point, The boy who went missing 8 month ago and some of you may have known him as Stiles was cursed to live a lot of lives in other universes and suffer through them. He would be born in each universe without remembering his past lives until he was 15 or older. And then the memories would come back in the form of dreams or nightmares. He lived 8 lives minus his original one as Stiles, so 9 in total. He has lived as Dave," she pointed where Aubrey, Stella, Simon and Jane were sitting.

"As Joel," she pointed at where Clyde, Minnow and Aimee were sitting, with Boy in front of them on the floor "he has lived as Thomas" she points where a large groupe of people were sitting, the gladers and scorchers. " as Stuart and Caleb" pointing her finger in their direction in turn "And he has lived as Sam and Mitch" she point at the right group of people one by one.

"And lastly he has been living as Dylan when i snatched him to bring him here"
Everyone was shocked at what their friend must have gone through and several people in the pack felt shame for thinking Stiles had ran away.

"Now that its all had been settled, im gonna bring him here, and remember to not attack him with questions, he does not remember his past lives yet. So be quiet until he does. Am i clear?"
There was a chores of "yes" and positive nods around the room.
Adiona smiled to herself and with a clap of her hand one more person appeared in the room, looking confused and a little scared at all the unknown people around him.

"What the hell is going on?" Asked Dylan confused and scared, until his eyes landed on a familiar form. A blond, lanky boy with golden eyes.
Dylan looked at him with confusion in his eyes.
What did Thomas do here? Why did he looked so different?he looked younger and his hair was definitely shorter than a few minutes ago when they were in the hotel room in Japan, his clothes were different too, they were ragged and hung a little loosely around his lanky frame.

He tore his eyes from the familiar boy to look at the others. Everyone, and i mean everyone was looking at him with mixed emotions in their eyes. From sadness to happiness and hope and love?
,What the hell is happening, he thought to himself not realizing he said the word out loud.

He opened his mouth to ask the question again when a soft feminine voice from behind him catches his attention.
He turned around slowly, coming face to face with a beautiful dark skined girl in his late 20 with literally golden eyes.
"Hello Dylan," the woman says with a soft voice. "My name is Adiona, don't be afraid, everything is alright, i will explain everything to you. You just need to remember somethings first"
"What?" Dylan asked, confusion clear in his eyes.
"Just look at them, really look at every each one of them and try to remember"
Still confused but a little less afraid than before, Dylan turned around and looked at the people in the room with curiosity, and slowly all the memories came back to him.

The memories of being Stiles and the pack, of being cursed and forced to live 8 more lives, memories of being Dave and falling in love just to be betrayed by his lover, of being Joel and losing bis parents, living in a world full of monsters far more scarey than the supernatural creatures ever been.

He looked at Boy that was sitting in front of Minnow and smiled when the dog ran toward him, barking loud and happy to see his friend again. Dylan kneeled on the floor petting the dog softly and laughing when he licked his face. He finally stood up again looking at the rest of the crowd.
He remembers being Thomas, in yet another destroyed world, he remembers the glade , the maze , the scorch and The Last City, he remembers falling in love to just lose his lover once again, this time to a deadly virus and not an Ex lover.
Tears start to gather in his eyes as they dance between his friends from the glade and scorch.
When he can finally tear his eyes away from them, his eyes land on the friends he made in the google internship program. His most normal life up until the last few days when he lost all his family in a fire, much like Derek and Peter did.

He looks at the family he made while working in the oil rig and send a little smile their way.
The next life he remembers is being Sam, time traveling and falling in love, but losing her in time.

The last life he remembers before becoming Dylan almost send him in tears. He remembers Katerina and how he lost her, jesus, why did he always lost everyone he ever loved? He remembers losing himself to grief and revenge and becoming a CIA agent. He remembers killing the Iranian general and then vanishing just to be put in a new life, to become Dylan.

He notices that being Dylan is the most normal life he had so far. Not losing anyone he loves yet, then again he did lost Thomas when he appeared in this strang room, didn't he?

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