11. First Time

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This will be the only chapter of this movie since it doesn't have much to see.

Sorry about any mistakes, enjoy.

"Ugh, do we have to really? Its not like anything interesting happened. I fell in love , she cheated on me with her stupid Ex. End" Dylan whined sinking in his chair.

"Oh you don't want Janie to find out about your little crush?" Aubrey smirked at him

Dylan sent her a glare "can you be any more of a bitch?" 

"You had a crush on my Davy? Thats so sweet." Jane stated smiling at him making him blush.

"Oh shut up Janie" he rolled his eyes at her "just get on with it" he added to Adiona

"And that's how i met her, it was all sweet and all until she cheated"

"Who would have thought Stilinksi can charm a girl" Jackson teased

Dylan showed him the finger "Shut up Jackass"

"Dave was so sweet though, every girl would be lucky to have him" Jane said excitedly "or boy" she added while looking at Thomas and Newt, winking at them.

"So why weren't you with him then?" Aubry snapped at her

"Really Aubry?" Dylan sighed

"Because he is my best friend and i didn't want to mess that up" Jane shrugged. "My question is, why did you cheated on him? You were so sweet together"

"But it wasn't your first time, like it wasn't your first like you told me" Malia pointed out

"Technically, it was my first time with a girl with you, and my first time as Dave with her. My body was a virgin" Dylan shrugged "and seriously, you had to show us making out too?" He asked Adiona with a sigh. Feeling the two blond's glare on him, why are they acting so jealous again?   

"So there was nothing painful in this life? Thought you were supposed to hurt in each of them?" Derek snorted, ruining the mood

"Oh, im sorry Derek, my heart getting broken isn't enough for you?
How about the fact that a 15 years old me started to remember my life as Stiles?
You think its easy for a child to dream about all the death and blood and pain? I thought i was going crazy. It got so bad i couldn't even sleep, my parents sent me to a psychologist " he was shaking with anger, taking quick uneven breaths.

"Sriously Derek? Can you be any more petty? We get it. You are jealous you missed your chance" Erica huffed ignoring his glare

"Wait what? His jealous?" Dylan asked confused

"Yes Stiles, he was interested in you. I told him to tell you after you broke up with Lydia, but he didn't want a human as his lover" Peter explained smirking at his idiot nephew.

"Well, good for him. I didn't want him anyway" Dylan shrugged

"Yeah right" Derek snorted, not believing him. Who wouldn't want him?

"Yes right Derek, i know your ego suggests otherwise, but not anyone is interested in you. Sure you have a good body, but your personality lacked everything important" Dylan replied in a calm voice.

(AN: Yeah i hate Derek too, again i love Tyler but i never shipped Sterek really, i will read about them if the story is any good, but not my first option)

"Besides, Blond boys are more his type" Minho added cheerfully, earning a glare from Newt.

"I don't think there is much more to see here, so what is next?" Dylan asked, ignoring Minho's comment. 


So the next one is Love and Monsters.

Wish me luck though, i have an important test tomorrow, or today really since its 4 am and the exam is at 8. Ugh fuck university.

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