4. The beginning.

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Well who would have thought writing reactions is this hard.
Anyway. The Bold words are from the video, i didn't describe all of the video, just the parts that i wrote reactions for, because im lazy.

"Bloody hell, where the fuck am i?"

Dylan could hear the whispers of 'what the fuck' 'how' 'shucking hell' from all around the room, but he didn't pay them any attention.
His eyes where glued on the person in front of him, to put it kindely, Thomas looked like crap.
His usually perfectly styled hair was a mess, and his clothes were crinkled, there was black circles under his puffy eyes, like he hadn't slept for days, or like he was crying for hours, or maybe both.

Thomas hadn't spotted him yet, his eyes were dancing between the crowed until they locked on Newt, who in return was staring at him with wide eyes.
"Ok, this is getting more scarry by the minute. Can someone bloody explain what is going on?" Thomas yelled out in frustration. 

"Well i can explain that Tommy" Dylan said with a smile but he was still looking at Thomas with worried eyes.

Thomas's eyes snapped to him and his mouth dropped open "Dyl," he said breathless and in a blink of an eye he was in front of Dylan, throwing himself at him. Dylan reacted quickly and wrapped his arms around the blond.

Laughing softly he said "easy there Tommy," " shut up you bloody idiot, where the fuck were you, i was sacred out of my mind when you vanished in front of me, i looked everywhere, even called the bugging police and they couldn't find you, i thought something happened to you, i was so worried and, "

Dylan cut his rant with a finger on his lips "Shhhsh Tommy, its ok , im fine, im here. Im so sorry i worried you like this , i will explain  everything to you, yeah?" Dylan said softly and brushed Thomas's hair out of his eyes.
"You better have a good explanation or i will kick your arse," Thomas said with an eye roll, stepping back from the hug, he looked around once again
"And start with the younger version of me standing there staring at us like he want to bloody rip me apart." Thomas said pointing a finger at Newts direction.

Dylan finally ripped his eyes away from Thomas to look at where he was pointing, and muttered a curse under his breathe when he saw that Newt was indeed looking at them like he wanted to feed one or both of them to grievers.

Dylan took a step back and look at Abiona for help, but she was looking at him with a smirk and a look that screamed 'i told you so'.
Dylan let out a nervous chuckle "how about i start to explain from the start?"
He ushered Thomas to the 2 empty front seats and to his growing horror Thomas chose the right one and left Dylan to sit between him and Newt.
20 minute later and he finally explained the situation to Thomas. The whole room was silent, everyone wanting to hear the story from Dylan's point.
"Bloody hell Dyl, im so sorry you have to go through it all. I wish i knew so i could help" Thomas said with a sad smile.

"Well as i said i didn't remember anything this time until Abiona brought me here, you know i would have told you otherwise" Dylan answered "yeah i know Dyl" Thomas said with a soft smile and grabbed Dylan's hand squeezing it lightly.

Someone cleared their throat to grab their attention.
"Are we going to start the show or not?" Yep, that was Newt. Dylan saw Thomas giving Newt a nasty look for breaking their moment and groaned internally.
This was going to blow in his face, he was sure of it.
"I want to send the kids somewhere els they don't need to see any of this" Dylan said ignoring Minnow's protest.
"Very well, i can create a play room for them in the corner" Abiona did as she said and they sent the kids to play, Boy following behind them.

Abiona clapped her hands to grab everyone's attention. "So we are going to start. Im going to show everything in the order, from the first life to the last. So we are going to start with Stiles."

"How are you going to do this anyway" Dylan asked frowning. "Oh its easy. Im going to use everyone's memory and project it in a 3D movie which will be played on this stage" she pointed at the stage she was standing.

"Of course. Its easy, why didn't i think of that." Dylan said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
She sent him a glare and continued "Anyway, before we start. Im going to explain somethings so you wouldn't be too confused.
First of all, as i mentioned before, in Stiles universe the supernatural world exist although its hidden from most of the world, because humans have a tendency to hate everything they consider as out of 'the norm' and are scarred by them.
Which as most of you would know, the fear will drive them to hurt, hunt and kill and most of them don't give a shit if the one they're hurting is innocent or not.
Anyway, the rest will be explained through out the show, please don't ask too many questions, and dont fight, thank you" she gave them a one last look  which could be translated to 'you make a scene and i will snap your fragile mundane necks' and stepped down from the stage to sit in the corner.

She concentrated on everyone memory and her hands start to glow a beautiful gold color and a memory took shape in the stage in 3D.
"Lets start from the beginning" Abiona's voice echoed through the room, but it was different from when she was speaking to them mere seconds ago. It was softer and smoother like it was celestial.

Before long the first scene start to take shape, everyone staring in awe at how realistic it looked.

(An: i only considered the first 2 minute, but i couldn't find a shorter one, so..sorry)

[The scene shows stiles hanging from the roof and Scott with a baseball bat in his hand both screaming]

Dylan let out a quiet laugh "yeah i remember, that night. Never regretted something more in my life."
He felt Newt and Thomas -the only ones that heard his quiet comment- (AN: remember that the supernaturals don't have their powers) shot him a concerned look but pretend he didn't notice and stared at the playing scene .

[ 'two joggers found a body in the woods' Stiles said as he jumped down of the roof
'A dead body?' Scott asked and Stiles looked at him like he's an idiot 'No a body of water, yes dumbass a dead body']

You could hear chuckles around the room making Scott grumble under his breath for looking like an idiot.

['Hold on, if they found the body then what are they looking  for?' Scott asked confused. 'Thats the best part, they only found half' Stiles said with a smirk and then looked at Scott mischivness glowing in his eyes 'we're going']

"WHAT?"Simon yelled from behind shocked and scared.
Billy shot a look Dylan's way "Stewie my buddy, you can't just go into the woods to find a dead body, what if the murderer is still out there?"

"Thats what i asked" Scott shouted but everyone ignored him. From what they heard of his conversion with their friend -and what Dylan explained to Thomas- he was the reason this all happened to their friend and no one was happy about it.

Dylan just laughed at his friends "Stop interrupting and just watch"
They all watched the rest of the video till the end.

Sheriff Stilinski let out a deep sigh. "I knew you weren't there alone." Dylan sent him a cheeky smile "Sorry Daddio" not being sorry at all.

"So let me explain further, that night was the same night Scott get bitten by and Alpha werewolf -which was Peter-and turned" he said pointing at Peter. "Wewolves have Alpha, Beta and Omega. An Alpha is basically the leader of the pack and the strongest. Beta is the second rank and an Omega is a werewolf without a pack which they are usually feral. If an alpha wolf don't have a pack they will go feral too." He explained and everyone nodded in understanding.

Abiona's voice echoed through the room again. "Next we will watch every creature the pack incountered."
'Well it will be interesting' Dylan thought to himself.

So, what do you think so far?
And do you want Dylmas or Newtmas or any other pairings?

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