"Don't worry...I won't take anything for granted with her." I genuinely smiled and thought about Zena. "Actually, I want to be with her."

I stood up and walked to her room. She allowed me to cuddle her to sleep. Yep, Zena loves being the little spoon and I love holding her, so it worked out. I held her close since I may not be able to do this much longer.


Zena and I have been in the light realm for a wee bit. I don't know how long, but my breathing has become more labored. Yugi has been slipping me pills that supposedly will help extend my life. According to the tests he ran, if I stop taking the pills... I'll die. It's become that bad that forgetting to take a pill one day will result in death.

I have been using every opportunity to be around Zena. I was currently passionately kissing her. She doesn't realize it, but I kiss her with so much love since I don't know how much longer I'll be able to. If I die, I want her to know how much I loved her. I couldn't hold it back any longer.

"I love you, Zena." I watched her eyes widen in shock. "You don't love me back." I sighed and sat back.

"I didn't say that." She stopped me from moving. "You just caught me off guard."

"That's never a good sign." I rolled my eyes. "I'll save myself the embarrassment and-"

"But you wouldn't hear me tell you that I'm in love with you." I froze at her words. "Oh, so now you're the one who's in shock." I lightly slapped her arm. "Now, you know how I felt." I squealed when she dragged me down. "You're cute when flustered."

"I know it sounds bad, but I don't want to head back." I moved my head to look at her. "It's just that this is the happiest I've ever been. It's literally paradise here and I'm getting to share it with you." I was thinking that living out my last days in paradise wouldn't be so bad.

"I agree that it's tempting, but we have to leave if we do not want to die from the demons." I groaned while Zena laughed. "If they win, then we can never come back here." I arched a brow at her. "What?"

"You're asking to come back here with me?" I sat up.

"Ya, why?"

"No reason." I blushed and looked down.

"I'm not convinced." She used two fingers to lift my chin. "What's going on through that pretty mind of yours?"

"Since when are you such a flirt?" I purred and was about to attack her lips, but Nyx spoiled the fun.

"She gets that flirty nature from La-"

"Nyx!" Zena cut her off. "What are you two doing here?"

Nyx and Kennedy informed us of a friendlier realm bordering the light realm. Zena and I followed them to the border to see that the other realm was the fairy realm. I was nervous to go home because I wasn't sure how my parents would receive me.

My mom was furious about me making the bond between Jethro and I null. I was for sure going to get an earful about that. And then I love Zena, so what will they do about that. Mom is not fond of same sex relationships, so she'll forbid my relationship with Zena... but I love Zena. I-I'm scared, but I'll persevere it for the girl I love.

Zena and I were shoved into the fairy realm, so we didn't have much choice. We walked through the forest and arrived at the palace grounds. I remembered Zena touching pixie dust, which made us float. I chuckled at the memory and dragged Zena behind me.

She stopped me and forced me to drop the illusion and reveal my real ears. I was embarrassed, but she kept harassing me about them being cute. I rolled my eyes and allowed the illusion to fall. Zena literally swooned and began touching my ears. I had to slap her hands away, but she kept saying how cute I was. She then told me to appear natural around her. I blushed and nodded at her request. She actually likes the ears... I smiled brighter than I knew possible.

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