They began to harass Zena, so I defended her. I admit that Zena isn't just a witch, but she'd have to be part vampire to be Lara's child, right? So far I haven't seen her do any vampy things. I'll have to ask Tatia if Zena has been doing vampy things or if she can sense her species. I began to feel bile in my throat, so I quickly left.

I teleported to my room and threw up in the toilet. I kept puking and couldn't leave the room. I felt my hair be pulled back, so I peeked and saw Tatia looking at me with concern. I swiftly turned back to the toilet and continued vomiting. After I dumped out everything in my stomach, I slouched onto the ground. Tatia flushed the toilet and handed me some mouthwash. I thanked her and freshened my breath.

"Are you okay?" She picked me up and placed me on my bed.

"I feel so sick." I croaked out. "Everything hurts." I coughed and held my chest.

"Like emotional pain or-"

"Physical?" I gave her a confused look. "Which I don't know why." I coughed into my arm. Tatia's eyes widened at seeing blood.

"This isn't a simple cold." She looked terrified. "We need to find out what's going on."

"Okay." I tried to get up, but she pushed me down.

"I'll be doing research while you rest." I went to retort, but she gave me a look. I sighed and nodded. "Good. I'll ask Nat to look after you in the meantime." I nodded and closed my eyes.


I woke up early and couldn't stop thinking about Zena. I got up and did my morning routine. I still felt like shit, but my desire to see Zena was stronger. I tiptoed downstairs and ran into Cara. She gave me an amused look when I began begging for her not to wake Tatia. I bribed her with borrowing my shoes. She rolled her eyes and said she already raided my room. I had to take deep breaths, so I didn't yell and wake the others up.

I then squeezed my eyes shut and almost fell. Cara sped to catch me just before my head hit the island. She helped sit me down and was frightened. I dismissed her concerns and asked if she could make me tea. She immediately went to fix the drink while I held my throbbing head.

I dropped some healing oils into the tea and drank it. I felt a little better, but still sick. Cara wanted to say something, but I told her I had to go.

I then walked to Zena's dorm and debated knocking. I was about to knock, but the door opened. Hailey gave me an amused smirk while I blushed. She simply walked past me and smirked. I took that as an invitation to be in the room alone with Zena. Well, Zena was sound asleep, so I sat at her desk.

I felt my arm burning, so I pulled my sleeve up. My eyes widened at seeing the black veins. I quickly pulled it back down since I could hear Zena begin to stir. Zena screamed when she saw me. I merely rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at her cute face.

"What are you doing here?!" She hissed. Damn, is she always this grumpy in the morning?

"I'm mad." I crossed my arms.

"And you decide to quietly sit in my room?!"

"Yeah. You were the first person I thought of to vent to." I fixed my hair in the mirror. "Now, get up! You're gonna be late to class."


I choked on my spit when Zena sat up. She sleeps with her shirt off, so I saw all her goods. And damn... it's making it really hard to keep my hands to myself. They're so perky and round and look succulent and-

"Damn, is that a preview or post?" Hailey swung the door open. "Don't be shy, Z." Hailey flicked her head. "Anyways, got you some food since I knew you'd be late after dealing with..." She nudged her head at me.

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