"Well, we'll find out tomorrow morning. Let's go." Tatia laughed.


I woke up with a massive headache. I held my head in pain and groaned. I could also hear Cara groaning in the next room. It didn't take long for Tatia to enter with Advil and toast. I grabbed the stuff and began eating. I didn't care if she got me this nasty multi grain toast. I silently ate, but I couldn't escape Tatia's smirk.

"What?" I replied in complete disinterest.

"Do you remember last night?" I shook my head no. "You were trying to make out with Nat." I choked on the food. "Because you thought she was Zena." Now, I began coughing so Tatia had to hit my back.

"I did what now?"

"And you kissed Zena." She began laughing.

"So that's why I don't feel the bond with Jethro anymore." I whispered. "Wait... I DID WHAT?"

"Fuck me, Zena!" I looked to see Nat entering my room. "Let me taste your lips... not those lips." She wiggled her brows.

"Oh, God... how much did I drink?!"


So... Zena and I kissed again. I accidentally knocked some books down, so she pushed me out the way. Unfortunately... well not really unfortunately... we fell and I landed on top of her. Our lips touched and I couldn't help but deepen the kiss. Zena reciprocated, which counted as our second kiss. I held her face and almost got lost in the kiss... almost!

I quickly pulled back and left her. I can't believe I kissed her again. What's wrong with me?! I'm not gay, so why do I have this desire to kiss her, be around her, be with her... intimately. Eww! Those are disgusting thoughts. I don't like women! I don't! But why do I feel this way around her? My heart feels like it'll beat out my chest. I get a rush or high being around her.

I walked through the courtyard and saw Cara lazily lounging with a guy. I walked over to them and shoved the guy out the hammock. He whimpered when he fell while I took his spot. Cara giggled and motioned for him to leave.

"What's up with you today?" Cara chuckled when I cuddled her. "That bad?" She wrapped her arms around me.

"I kissed Zena... AGAIN!" I got the attention of a few passers by.

"Am I supposed to act shocked?" I rolled my eyes at her. "Why are you so upset though?"

"I'm betrothed, Cara! And I shouldn't be having such disgusting thoughts about another woman." I mumbled.

"Is it that bad for you to have feelings for a woman?" She arched a brow. "You never had a problem with Nat and then you blew up saying things you don't really believe. Why-"

"Because I can't be as free as everyone else! I-my family wouldn't allow it." I whispered.

"Your family or your mother? There's a big difference. Don't sacrifice your happiness for tradition."

"You act like I'm dating her." I chuckled. "I would never-"

"You're infatuated with Zena because she's your mate." I scoffed at Cara's words. "Quit acting like you don't know. You knew she was your mate when you felt the electricity, so why try to hide it?"

"We can't be together!" I got off the hammock. "I'm the heir and I'm expected to produce an heir! I can't be with a woman! I refuse!" I walked off.

"Cia! I didn't mean-" I ignored Cara and walked away from her.


Nico was teaching us how to perform a healing spell. I couldn't concentrate since my thoughts were muddled with Zena. I know she's my mate, but I can always reject her. Even if you find your mate, you must marry your betrothed. But... I don't want to reject her. I- wait! I never said I want her or.... ugh! This is so confusing. Why is-

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