"I never told you to be quiet." I turned around to face her. "I just said you're infuriating."

"Same difference." I rolled my eyes at her. "Why are you so mean to me?"

"I wouldn't say mean-"

"Well, I would." She muttered. Rude!


"Yo!" A boy ran to us. "Don't strain yourself! That box is hundreds of pounds!" His eyes were wide. "H-How'd you pick it up?" He was beyond confused. I quirked a brow at Zena. Ya that's right... how did she pick up that box?

"Uh... I did a spell to make the box lighter-"

"Really?" I was not convinced. "What spell?" I crossed my arms.

"Umm... make the box lightero." She hesitantly said. She's a terrible liar.

"So if I hold the box, it will be as light as a feather?" She slowly nodded at my question. "Okay, then." I tried to take the box from her, so she purposely dumped the contents out.

"Whoops!" Her acting was atrocious. "I'm clumsy, so clumsy... I'm gonna just go." She speed walked out the room.

"You can't leave me to do everything by myself!" I threw my hands up in the air, but she had already left.

"Umm.. would you mind-"

"FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF!" The boy cowered at my tone. I then left him alone to fix his own damn decorations.

I left to head back to my room. I felt my phone buzz, so I glanced down. I sighed when I saw that Kai had texted me. He wanted to let me know that my parents wanted to have dinner with me. I hope they haven't been told about my detention. I thanked him and continued back to my room.

I was inwardly freaking out about why my parents wanted to meet with me. It hasn't even been that long since I've left. I sighed and went to clean my room. I heard a knock on my open door, so I turned to see Cara enter. She gave me a soft smile before hugging me. That's what I loved about wolves and vamps... they could sense embolisms. Well, Nat can as well since she's a devil. Although, I think she stated it was more like feeling a person's aura or some hipster thing like that.

"Are you alright?" She whispered into the hug.

"My parents want to meet with me." I sighed.

"Why?" I shrugged at her. "I'm sorry." I gave her a small smile. "Let's do something to get your mind off stuff. You like doing kickboxing, so let's do that." She giggled when I deviously smirked.


I was hoping that we'd only have 1 detention. Boy was I wrong. It was Headmistress Josephine's turn to punish us. We were tasked with reorganizing the entire library! What the fuck?! That'll take us an eternity! Ugh! I huffed and left Zena. She tried to follow me, so I halted her and pointed her in the opposite direction. Zena rolled her eyes and walked off.

I gazed up at the large bookshelf. I have no idea where to even start. I began pulling out books and reorganizing them. There was a book on a high shelf that I was trying to reach, but I stumbled and pulled the stack down with me. I grunted when I landed on the floor. I guess that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I began to think about all the stress I was under, so I began to cry.

Why did I have to marry Jethro? He scared the shit out of me and the lewd, suggestive comments he'd make would make my skin crawl. I knew what was in store after I married him. He'd continue to abuse me as his sperm deposit and I-I didn't want that for my life. I feared the man and knew the inevitable was coming.

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