"On the first day?" Tatia was amazed. "Did they know each other before or did they just meet or-"

"No idea, but it was funny. I'll point them out to you at lunch." We nodded at Nat. "They're both really pretty by the way."

"Not sure why that matters." I breathed out. "You're the only one who's bi." Nat rolled her eyes at me.

"Aren't elves supposed to be all about free loving and shit." I arched a brow at Cara. "So shouldn't you guys be like pan and stuff... cause of nature-"

"And run around naked because of nature..." Nat smirked

"And sleep on leaves because of nature..." Tatia smirked.

"And kill you all with stones because of nature." I snapped, which made them loudly laugh. "And that's the case for every other elf except for High and Grey elves... they tend to be very conservative." I sighed.

"Good thing they have a forward thinking princess who's set to be the heir." Nat nudged me.

"Please. The only forward thinking I can do is go to the bathroom. And if my mom could have it... I'd have to request permission for that too!"

My friends and I spent the rest of the evening eating ice cream and watching movies. Halfway through Twilight, Tatia and Cara began arguing over Team Edward versus Team Jacob. Tatia (the human mosquito) was all for Edweirdo while Cara (dog person) called Edward a whiny bitch and stated that Bella should be with someone who doesn't sparkle.

"Bella should just find a hybrid." Nat whispered from in my arms. "Do hybrids exist in Twilight?" She looked up at me.

"I don't know if witches even exist?" I turned to the others, who shrugged. "But it'd be cool to be with someone who's a hybrid-"

"Or tribrid!" Cara squealed. "Someone who is part vamp, wolf, and witch. Wouldn't that be awesome?!"

"I feel like that person would be hot headed and easily angered. I doubt a tribrid could be mild mannered and sweet." I shrugged.


I have no idea how Cara convinced us to miss first period so that we could get pancakes. And not like, oh let's make pancakes, but more like let's have Nat teleport us to an IHOP in America. Nat and I fought over the strawberry syrup while Tatia and Cara had a war for the blueberry syrup.

Anyways, Tatia and I were going to our spell class. It was so cool that Tatia was born to a witch mom and a vampire father. Unfortunately, her mother had been killed so she didn't have a teacher. That's why she heavily relied on the magic classes at school. Tatia and I were both high achieving students, so we always partnered up and would practice after school hours.

Tatia and I walked into the class to see Nico give us a mock salute. We rolled our eyes and politely greeted the bubbly teacher. He waved even more enthusiastically at us. How does he have so much energy- oooooh, the giant coffee thermostat. Tatia dragged me from him and walked to our usual spot. We stopped dead in our tracks to see a girl occupying our bench top!

I left Tatia and marched to the newbie. Everyone knew that was Tatia and my table! I approached the girl to see her head down as she texted away. I slammed my hands on the bench, causing the girl to jump. She looked terrified as her eyes met mine. I was momentarily frozen since she was drop dead gorgeous. I quickly shook my head and returned back to planet earth.

"You're in our spot! Leave!" I yelled, but she stared at me like a deer in headlights. Did she not understand English or...

"I'm sorry, what?" OMFG, her Italian accent is so hot. FOCUS, ACACIA!

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