“A shitty one,” Griffin added.

            “Let her stay here,” Seth said. “Then we can keep an eye on her and shut down whatever shit she tries to pull.”

            “A wise suggestion, Seth,” Simeon said.

            Seth had a point. After seven years of blissful silence, Daphne’s sudden reappearance in their lives no doubt had an ulterior motive. An ulterior motive that likely didn’t bode well for them. As much as they despised both her and the idea of her being in their home or anywhere near their son, it was best to keep this enemy close.

            “Sir, Ms. Daphne Spellman as you requested,” Sebastian announced.

            Daphne stood at his side beaming at all of them. In the last seven years, she’d grown into a more mature version of her high school counterpart. She was still a sultry blonde with pouty red lips, but her body was curvier and more siren like.

Lucian’s skin crawled when she let her gaze linger a little too long on him. Other men may have found her beautiful, but he was completely repulsed by her. Griffin shared an equal reaction when Daphne gave him a lengthy appraisal.

Fallon narrowed her eyes before she moved to hug the woman she once considered her best friend. “How are you, Daphne?”

“I’m great,” Daphne assured her, and Lucian snorted when she didn’t have the decency to ask the question in return.

Simeon was the only man at the table who rose to greet her. “Daphne, it’s good to see you again. We’re so pleased you’ll be staying with us.”

Daphne flashed him a sly smile. “Thank you. I’m sorry for interrupting everyone’s dinner.”

“Actually, you’re just in time to join us for dinner,” Simeon said. “I’m sure you could use a good meal after your long flight.”

“That would be nice,” Daphne agreed. “Where should I sit?”

“Wherever you like,” Simeon answered.

Daphne’s eyes honed in on the empty chair next to Seth. With Wyatt absent from their dinner, the seating arrangement was a bit skewed. Lucian and Fallon and Angelica sat to Simeon’s right while Griffin and Seth sat to his left. For the sake of symmetry, it made perfect sense for Daphne to assume the chair beside Seth, but that was probably the last thing she was concerned with.       

Seth stiffened when Daphne slid in next to him. As soon as she was seated, Daphne came face to face with Angelica.

“Holy hell,” Daphne barked as she bounced her gaze between Seth and Angelica. “Don’t tell me you two are still involved.”

“That’s none of your business,” Seth snapped.

Daphne smiled. “That’s as good as saying no.”

Seth pushed his chair back. “If you all will excuse me, I think I’ve lost my appetite.”

No one objected when he stood and stalked from the room. Daphne kept her eyes on him until he was gone. Then she slid her Cheshire cat smile in Angelica’s direction. Lucian expected Angelica to follow Seth’s lead, but she held her ground. There was an undercurrent of defiance in the smile she gave Daphne that Lucian had to admit he found more than a little impressive. Though he never would’ve believed it was possible, maybe Daphne finally met her match.


            When it came time for Fallon to bathe Marshall and put him to bed, Daphne insisted on following, though Fallon didn’t know why. Even before they reached the nursery, she knew Daphne wasn’t going to lift a finger to help her. Thankfully, Angelica still came to do her part. After Daphne’s silent challenge earlier in the evening, Fallon wouldn’t have been surprised if Angelica turned tail and ran.

The Unholy Trinity IV- The Story ContinuesWhere stories live. Discover now