Part Seventeen

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The two got to the place where Rumlow agreed to meet them. It was a small park, the area was busy yet secluded, you could see multiple people walking by, children playing, business women and men walking to the little shops for lunch, tourists that are falling in love with this country already.

This isn't safe Fallon... he's hydras most intelligent person he'll see right through these disguises

Barnes calm down you might be just superhuman but I'm supernatural... and the devil's daughter he's not that stupid, if he hurts me you don't even know what my father would do...

But fal- shit it's almost time he should be here any second

I can hear him from a mile away... well not literally but he's a very loud thinker

Rumlow walked towards them with another guy, "you two must be stephanie and will... well let's get to business shall we" Rumlow said showing them to a spot in the park with s picnic table.

Fallon looking around quickly, she noticed they were actually surrounded by multiple people. Some men, some women, some superhuman and some highly trained agents, but all of them had weapons.

We have company...


You heard me correctly barnes

How many?

About 20 men and women give or take a few, some are supernatural some are highly trained agents but all of them have weapons.

Damnit well we have to be calm he can practically smell fear or can tell if we are on edge

I'll be fine barnes now come on

"Okay so i heard that you two are looking for high grade weapons that you can transfer to and from places easily" Rumlow said "well yes that is correct we are starting a new group of highly trained agents that are going to be assassinating some of the most powerful people in the world" bucky said "yes and that is why we need your weaponry, and one offer we have is plus whatever we pay you for the weapons for each assassination we'll give you forty percent of the money we earn from it" Fallon followed on.

After a little longer on a discussion they came to an agreement.

"Well it was a pleasure doing business we'll be in touch soon" Rumlow said, they all stood up, shook hands and went separate ways.

Well that went... great actually

See barnes don't doubt me ever again

It's hot when you're annoyed

Shut up

Ooo attitude we'll see how that goes for you when we get back to the hotel... or i can just fix it right now in those bathrooms right over there

Yeah no I'm good

Bucky and Fallon continued on walking down the street hand in hand until they stopped at a little coffee shop right before their hotel, "I'm gonna grab a coffee do you want anything?"  Bucky asked "um yeah sure just a coffee and then we can just order room service when we get back since I'm kind of tired" Fallon replied, bucky nodded and kissed her lips quickly before entering the coffee shop.

Fallon stood outside in the fresh air waiting for bucky, she looked around at all of the beautiful shops surrounding her remembering that she has to check them out before leaving to go home. But one thing caught her eyes... it was one of the agents with Rumlow earlier. Were they watching them? Did Rumlow actually know their true identities? Fallon asked herself all of these questions.

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