Chapter 20

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"You saved their lives." Stilinski smiled at his son. "Mason. Malia. Half the population of Beacon Hills. That's got to feel pretty good."

So, to recap, Scott and Liam fought the Beast. Lydia called for Mason and helped him find himself again. The biggest plot twist in this whole thing was that Scott was working with Deucalion. DEUCALION. Like what. Anyway, Kira came back with her sword and made a hole in the ground. I guess Deucalion wanted Theo gone just as much as the rest if us. Because he told them how to make Theo go away. Theo disappeared into the ground and was never seen again. Mason is back to normal now, which I'm happy about.

"It did. For a while." Stiles answered.

"But it's something you want to feel again."

"Yeah. Yeah, I think so."

"Welcome to your future career in law enforcement."

I smiled brightly at him and squeezed his arm.

Stiles and I aren't back together yet. I wish, but I don't think it's a good idea, considering our lives right now. I love him, and he loves me. I just don't know. Right now we're just sticking to great friends. There's this weird feeling that I get in the pit of my stomach when I'm around Scott. I don't know what it is, it confuses me. 


I was sitting down in the library the next day next to Scott, with Lydia and Stiles walked up then sat down next to us.

"She'll be back. She still has to graduate." Stiles said while sitting down on the other side of me. Most likely talking about Kira. Who is off with the Skinwalkers again trying to control the fox inside of her.

Scott sighed. "That's the thing, though, I don't know."

"When we started school this year, I was so stressed about everyone ending up in the same place after we graduate. But, I don't think it matters. We always find each other anyway." Stiles smiled. "Even Allison." Both Lydia and I looked at him. "Scott didn't tell you. It was in the tunnels. When Sebastien had his hands around Scott's throat. The guy probably didn't know what he was doing. His claws got into Scott's neck. He was going to kill him, but then he stopped and he said a name."

"Marie-Jeanne." Lydia smiled slightly. "He saw Scott's memories. He saw Allison. They must have looked like each other. I mean, maybe exactly like each other.

"It gave Scott a chance to break free. She saved him. Allison saved his life."

My heart warmed and I smiled. My friends and I are back together. The original group, even Allison. I felt someone grab my hand under the table and I looked over at Stiles, who smiled. I gave his hand a little squeeze and looked back at Lydia, who wiggled her eyebrows. Scott bumped his knee against mine, sending shockwaves up my leg.

I got up quickly. "I'll be right back, have to use the bathroom." Walking out of the library, someone grabbed my arm and I turned around to see that it was Stiles. "Hey, what's up?"

"I-I need to t-tell you something." Stiles stuttered. I raised an eyebrow and nodded. But, instead of saying anything, Stiles crashed his lips onto mine. Shocked, to say the least. My hands slowly trailed up to his neck and he stopped. "I love you."

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