Chapter 7

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Back to the communication towers we go. We brought a blacklight to show Stiles and to look a little more closely at the crime scene. Walking into the building, we go to the same spot. Scott walked a little farther than Stiles and I and tried to move a cabinet. Stiles and I walk over and Scott seemed to be struggling, so Stiles helped him out a little. There were scrape marks and when the cabinet was removed, there was an opening down to more tunnels. So naturally, we went down them. Stiles then takes out the blacklight and turns it on. Scanning the room until he comes across something. His eyebrows furrow and I look at what he's staring at. It's two words.

"What is that?" I ask.

"It looks like Latin." He squints his eyes.

"Hold up that light. I'm gonna get a picture of it." Scott took his phone out. I hear footsteps... "Stiles, hold the light still." The light disappears and we look back to see Tracy tossing Stiles aside. That bitch paralyzed him.

Tracy bared her teeth and turned to come after me. I flicked my claws out and ran towards her, swiping at her stomach. She jumped out of the way and punched me in the jaw. Bitch. Coming at me again, I didn't let her get the best of me and I kicked her square in the abdomen, sending her flying back. I turned around to see Josh behind Scott, pulsing with electricity. Stiles spoke up from his position laying on the ground before I could say anything.

"Scott, behind you!" He yelled.

Scott turned around, grabbed Tracy's hand, who was rushing up behind him, and plunged it into Josh's abdomen. Then he threw Tracy as the boy fell beside Stiles.

"Sucks, doesn't it?" Stiles sassed as he looked at Josh.

Scott's eyes flashed red as he growled. He looks around and all of a sudden, Corey materializes out of the wall. Stalking towards him, Corey shy's away from Scott. Fear seeping from his pores. Since when were these kids not dead?

"Okay!" Someone yells out.

My head snaps towards where the voice came from.

Theo steps out of the darkness. "Maybe they're not ready to take on an Alpha." He crossed his arms. "Especially one that can smell fear.:

"He's got fangs." Corey sassed.

"What did you do?" Scott asked Theo,

"I found some new friends. I don't take rejection well." Theo then turned around and began to walk away from us.

"Hey, Theo!" Stiles called out from on the ground next to me.

"Stiles. You're going to leave here thinking that you need to worry about me. But you're wrong. We're actually on the same side." He winked at me and I almost threw up in my mouth. "Because that's the thing... that's what we need to worry about." Pointing at the two words. "Your pack and mine. We're gonna go back to school and pretend like we're normal teenagers, but at night, we're going to be fighting for our lives."

"What is it?" I spoke up.

"It's not a Chimera."

"But it's just a kid underneath." Scott looked around at all of us. "Someone like us."

"Not anymore."

Theo and the rest of his pack walked off and left us to ourselves. Scott helped me get Stiles into a seated position against a wall.

"He knew what it meant and I can't remember the words." Scott reached into his pocket for his phone.

"Damnatio Memoriae." Stiles says before Scott can take his phone out. "It means condemnation of memory."

I tapped my chin. "I think it also means that whatever the Dread Doctors created, whatever this last Chimera really is, it's not something new. It's something old. Really old."

"So they didn't create a new creature..." Scott trailed.

"They resurrected one." Stiles finished his sentence.

"We need help. If Theo's got his own pack now then we need ours. We have to get the others back."

"The others?" I asked.

"You mean Kira who's currently battling a homicidal fox inside of her, Malia who isn't speaking to any of us, Lydia who's stuck in Eichen House, and Liam who almost killed you?" Stiles sassed.

"Also known as our best friends." Scott added.

"Okay, how?"

Scott drew a circle in the dirt. "One by one." He then looked at Stiles and I.

"You're not seriously going to make me do it?" Stiles asked.

"You're part of the pack, right? Both of you are."

Stiles made eye contact with me and I lightly rolled my eyes and shrugged. With a smile, I made half of the big circle and motioned for Stiles to do it as well. With that, we finished the circle.


The next morning I get a call from Stiles saying that he and Scott were going to pick me up and we were going to get Kira. It was then that I was reminded that Kira actually went to be with the skin walkers to try and control the fox side of her before it hurt someone else.

So that's where I am right now. Stiles was trying to fix his car so it would old out the little trip we were going to make. Scott was telling us about Liam showing up at his house this morning.

"So, what did he want?" Stiles asked.

"To help." Scott shrugged.

"You gonna let him?" I asked him.

"Eventually, I guess."

"Okay, but shouldn't he be a little higher on your priority list right now?" Stiles turned away from his jeep. "I mean, since he's the only other actual Werewolf, other than Ashlyn, that's your actual Beta?"

"You didn't see the way that he came at me." Scott shook his head lightly. "You didn't see the look in his eyes."

"Well, I've been with you on a full moon, so I've seen that look."

"I second that. I have too. I've also known what it feels like." I raised my hand.

Stiles lightly smiled at me then looked at Scott. "You want to get the band back together. Scott, you don't leave out the drummer."

Scott sighed then Stiles shut the hood of his car and we filed in. I sat in the back, as usual. Stiles went to start the car and it roared to life.

"Success!" Stiles cheered. "Yes!" Scott and I looked at him. "It's a minor leak. Very minor."

We drove off.

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