Chapter 16

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"He's headed to the school." Scott is staring down at his phone.

So, to catch you up. We asked for the help of Chris Argent. Parrish wants to know where he's going at night when he sleepwalks. He never knows where he goes. So, Chris just texted Scott telling him where Parrish is headed. Since he has been watching Parrish all night. It's also three in the morning. And I'm in my pajamas. Stiles and Scott thought I would want to be involved in this adventure. I'm currently in the back seat of the jeep with Liam.

"Why's Parrish headed to the school." Liam asked.

"It's not Parrish." I yawned. "At least not right now."

"Okay, why's a Hellhound going to the school?"

"'Cause he's got a yearning for higher education." Stiles sassed. "Liam, Hellhound's at the school, so, we're going to the school."

"Okay?" Liam sat back in his seat and looked over at me. My eyes were drooping and he chuckled lightly. "You tired?"

"Not at all." I yawned and glared at him.

"Sarcasm is strong with you tonight." We pull up to the school and get out of the car, Liam slammed Stiles' door shut, and earned a glare from Stiles. "Sorry."

Following Scott, we made our way down the walkway leading up to the main doors and were stopped by Chris.

"Where's Parrish?" Scott asked.

"I lost him. He's moving too fast." Chris sighed.

I smelled something rancid and my eyes shifted from Chris, to behind him. I felt my stomach churn. There was a body. "Scott." I tapped him on the shoulder, he looked down at me. "That guy's not moving at all."

We walked over to the body to find it mauled, barely recognizable. Scott and I's heads snapped up, hearing a noise. He started walking and we all followed him in the direction of the parking lot. Finding a bus with Parrish outside, smoldering. The back was ripped open and a bunch of bodies were inside, dead.

I just about jumped out of my own skin when someone reaches out to us from the bus. "Help me."

Scott goes to walk forward but Parrish grabs his shoulder. "It's a trap."

"Please." The guy begs.

"You can't help him."

All of a sudden, a snarling sound was heard, getting considerably louder. The guy that was begging for his life was slashed in half, the first half falling out of the bus. I dry heaved. Then, a black figure appears inside the bus. Black as night. And huge. Bigger than Peter in Alpha form. It had icy blue eyes.

"That's big. No one said it was that big." Stiles said with panic rising in his voice.

I watched Liam raise his hand out of the corner of my eye. "I did."

The Beast roared to Parrish. Who burst into flames and ran towards the bus. The Beast escaped through the front windshield of the bus and Parrish is right on it's heels.

"What the hell's happening?" I asked.

"It's getting smarter." Chris crossed his arms.

That's just great.


"Look, Scott's going to have a plan." Stiles spoke up as he, Kira, Lydia, Malia, and I were sitting in an empty classroom. Lydia was back to being her well put together self. "A couple of weeks ago, he brought Hayden in here with cell phone jammers to block the frequency of the Dread Doctors."

"So, it's frequency." I nodded. "Every time the Beast shows up."

"Liam and Hayden saw it at the cell transmission towers. The attack downtown happened right near the radio astronomy observatory. Uh, Deaton was attacked by the Beast at an army base which had huge radar arrays."

"Still not getting it." Kira sighed.

I turned to her with a frustrated sigh. How is she still not getting it? I'm tired and irritable. "The Beast always shows up near a transmission source."

"What if that's how the Dread Doctors are doing it?" Lydia spoke up. "By broadcasting a high-frequency transmission."

"So, we should be looking for some sort of transmission?" Malia asked.

"We don't have to look." Stiles said. "Tonight's game is going to be broadcasted on live TV. The local news always covers the game. There could be two, maybe three vans. All of them transmitting."

"Are you saying that thing's going to be out there tonight?" Kira's eyes widened.

"I'm saying... people are going to die. A lot of people."

"Well, doesn't that just sound ominous."

We all shared uneasy looks as we walked out of the classroom. But soon enough, I was being pulled into another classroom. Liam, Kira, Scott, and now Stiles and I were surrounding a lab table.

"Mason said that it isn't just to transmit frequency." Lydia spoke up. "It's high powered."

"And that's causing it to shift?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"No. I don't think it's just that." Scott said. "Last night, Argent said that it's getting smarter, remember? What if the Dread Doctors are trying to make the Beast grow faster?"

"With frequencies?"

"No, by shifting. The frequency is just a trigger. The important part is when it shifts into the Werewolf."

"Like Peter." Malia nodded.


"Yeah, when Peter was an Alpha, he got stronger every full moon." I shifted my weight. "Eventually, the burns healed and he was back to normal."

"So, the Dread Doctors don't want to wait for the full moon." Kira spoke up.

"They want the Beast to be as strong as possible, as fast as possible." Lydia finished her sentence. "Because of Parrish."

"So, if this is happening tonight, what are we going to do?" Malia asked.

"Uh, we've got one clue to go on." Stiles spoke up. "This came from the hospital." He took a piece of paper out and began to read it. "Whoever's lurking inside the Beast is wearing a size 10 of indeterminate make."

"Indeterminate?" Kira asked.

"Means, it's partial print. Basically, it was all we were able to get considering all the fire, blood and carnage."

"How many size 10s are out there?"

"Only one with Parrish's blood on the sole."

"So, are we going to try and get the game canceled?" I asked.

"No, no." Scott crossed his arms. "We're going to play, but we're just going to hope really hard that it doesn't turn into a blood soaked massacre."

"Okay, but, um -"

"Aren't we kind of missing out on a chance to catch this thing?" Malia spoke up.

"We don't have the 'who,' but we have the 'where' and the 'when.'" Scott looked at her.

"There's too many people." Lydia shook her head.

"And we still don't actually know if it's going to happen." Lydia and I were kind of being negative at this point. "It just might end up being a regular lacrosse game. It's possible, right?"

"That's absolutely possible." Stiles nodded.

"So we're still getting the game canceled?"

"We're getting the game canceled." Scott nodded.

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