Chapter 3

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We got in and the car ride was so uncomfortable that I couldn't sit still in my seat. The ride to Scott's house took 10 minutes and she dropped us off. "Thanks, mom." I leaned over the seat and kissed her cheek.

"No problem, dear. Won't be home for a while. Just make sure he's alright." She lowered her voice at the end.

"Always do."

We got out and my mom drove away. "So,"

"Can you drop me off at my house?" Stiles asked.

"Not by yourself.:

"Then you can stay there too. It's not like you haven't before."

This comment shocked me. "My house might be better. Theo doesn't know where I live."

"He can easily find you." He sassed.

"Why would he need to find me?"

"'Cause he likes you."

I visibly gagged. "No he doesn't."

"Oh, come on." Stiles scoffed.

"I think we both know how I feel about him and who I really like." This stumped him. "Just get in the car." I pressed the button to unlock my car and got in the drivers seat. Stiles slowly got in on the passenger side.

The drive to my house took about 10 minutes and when we pulled up outside of it, Stiles sucked in a breath. "I haven't been here in a while."

My cheeks heated slightly as I stepped out of the car. "Me either." I chuckled slightly.

When I unlocked the door, Stiles immediately went to the kitchen. I closed the door and then followed him. He had a box of cheez-its open and was making work of the box. I chuckled and got a couple of bottles of water at the fridge, tossing one at him. He then held out the box to me and I took a few.

"I haven't eaten in so long, my God." Stiles said after he drank half of his bottle in one gulp.

"Me either." I can't even remember the last time I ate.

We finished the box and sat in silence. Neither of us saying anything. But I could tell Stiles wanted to. My eyes traveled to the clock on the over and it said 4:10.

"I'm tired." Stiles yawned.

"Read my mind." I stood up. Stiles followed me upstairs. I walked into my room and went straight to my closet. Stiles is gonna flip when he sees this. Reaching into the back corner of my closet, I brought out a pair of Stiles' sweatpants and a t-shirt that was also his. I tossed them at him and he examined them with furrowed brows.

"Are these mine?" He asked and looked at me.

"Yep. You left these here a while back."


"Yeah, so, change and I'll put your clothes in the washer. Then we'll dry them in the morning."

Stiles nodded then walked out of the room. I quickly changed into pajama shorts and a tank top then washed what was left of the smudged makeup from my eyes. Brushing my teeth as well. Stiles walked in my room as I walked out of my bathroom.

"Here," He handed them to me with a small smile and red tint to his cheeks.

I took them with a smile and noticed his eyes roam over my body. Lightly shaking my head, I could feel my cheeks heat up. I put both mine and Stiles' clothes in the washer. When I walked back into my room, Stiles was sitting on the edge of my bed. His eyes droopy. I sat down next to him and we both sighed at the same time.

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