Chapter 11

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Now, I've been in this position before. It's almost like deja vu. Me sitting in the backseat of the car while Stiles and Scott are in the front. The police scanner going crazy. Something is threatening the lives of the people living in Beacon Hills. This is the usual events that happen in my life now. The Beast is on the loose and running rampant.

"Unit five heading northeast on Crescent reporting an incredibly large... something." Deputy Clark reported over the radio.

"Unit nine, to dispatch, I think I've got eyes on the same thing, Some kind of rabid animal." A male voice came over the radio.

"Unit five to nine, trust me, that's no animal." Clark responded.

"Unit six to dispatch. We have a situation downtown. Multiple fatalities." Another voice. Deputy Strauss.

"Copy, medics on the way. Do you have a perp in sight, unit six?"

"Negative. Looks like a 1091-E, animal attack."

"Can you say what kind of animal?"

Stiles then grabs the radio and clicks the button. "All units stay back. Do not engage. I repeat. Do not engage."

"Stiles! Get off the radio. All unit alert. Wait for backup. Repeat. No one goes near this thing." Stilinski snaps at his son.

"Unit five reporting a sighting off Hill Road southbound." Clark said.

"Unit nine, I've got it turning off Oak Ridge, southbound on Beachwood." A voice.

"All units. This is Dispatch. We've got a 911 call with an additional sighting on Mitcham." Dispatch informs us. I can't keep track of where this thing's headed.

Stiles grabbed the radio again. "Dad."

"Stiles get off this channel!" He yells at Stiles.

"Dad, just listen to me. He's headed for the hospital. Alright? He's headed for Beacon Memorial. Do you hear me? He's headed for the hospital."

My stomach dropped. Mom. The increasing rate of my heart was hurting my chest and Scott turned around in his seat and patted me on the knee.

Stiles steps on the gas and we are now in route to the hospital. When we get there, another call come over the radio from Sheriff Stilinski.

"Unit five. Clark, I need eyes on Parrish. Does anyone have Parrish's 20?"

"All units. We have a 911 emergency call reporting a ma on fire running into Beacon Memorial." Dispatch announced. Parrish.

"Clark disregard." Stilinski ordered.

Stiles skids to a stop and we jump out of the jeep, running inside of the front doors followed by Stilinski. Sheriff cocks his gun and holds it up. There are growls and crashing sounds coming from every direction. And they were loud. I couldn't tell exactly where they were coming from... but they were a few floors up.

"Fourth floor." Scott spoke up.

Following Scott, we make it to the fourth floor where we find charred bits and some parts of the hallway still burning. We turn the corner and a flaming mass comes flying past us and smacks into a wall. The flames disappear to reveal Parrish.

"Parrish! You okay?" Stilinski kneels down next to him. Parrish is in a daze. "Deputy!" He yells. Parrish seems to snap out of it and starts breathing heavy as he looks around at us in confusion.

I was looking around the burnt hallways and found myself looking at the ground. Walking until I found huge footprints. The Beast's tracks. "Hey, guys." I nodded and Scott and Stiles walked over to me. Scott started to walk and we watched as the tracks go from being clawed feet to bloody shoe prints.

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