Chapter 1

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"Stilinski, right?" The nurse asked as she slowly typed in the name on the computer. She was taking time that we really didn't have at the moment. "You said his insurance was with the county? He's a Deputy?" She popped her gum, looking unamused. I'm gonna smack her.

"No, he's the Sheriff, he's the county Sheriff. Okay." Stiles stressed. "He's covered. I mean, he should be covered." He sighed and I lightly rubbed his back to try and get him to calm down.

I felt a hand come down on my shoulder and turned my head to see who it was. Melissa was standing behind Stiles and I with a hand on both of us. "I'll take care of it." She told the nurse and led us away from the front desk. "I texted Scott. He's coming as soon as he can. I can call Malia."

"No, no, no." Stiles interrupted her. "Don't, don't call anyone."

"Is there anyone else we need to notify?" The annoying nurse spoke up from behind us. "A next of kin?"

"No, it's me, It's just me."

I looked up at Stiles as he was staring at the ground. He was going through so much right now. We were both running on no sleep and this was just wearing us down even more.

"Ashlyn?" I heard my name being called. Turning around, I saw my mom walking towards us. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, mom. I'm fine." I sighed.

"Stiles? I just saw your dad was rushed in here. I'm so sorry." She gave him a sympathetic look.

He sniffled. "Thanks."

"I'm going to go and check up on him." Melissa gave us one last look then walked off.

"I need to get back to work. Love you." My mom kissed me on the forehead then squeezed Stiles' shoulder then walked off.

Stiles was still staring off into the distance so I grabbed his arm and led him towards the chairs. "He's going to be fine, Stiles. Your dad's a strong person." I rubbed comforting circles on his back, his heart rate mellowing out.

"How do you know that?" Stiles looked up at me with tear filled eyes.

"Because I know your dad. He raised a really strong son. Now, how could he raise up such a strong person, without being strong himself? He can handle anything."

"I hope you're right." He then leaned into me and hugged me to him.

I noticed his breathing picking up and soon realized he was crying. My hands ran from his hair to his back just trying to comfort him. His tears were staining my already dingy shirt. I also haven't changed clothes in a while. Or been home in a while...

Everything has happened so fast lately. Liam almost killed Scott, Stiles' dad getting hurt, Kira leaving, Scott and Stiles getting into a fight, Malia distancing herself. Not sure what's going on with that. Let's see... oh, Theo fucking us all over, turns out he's a Chimera. Why did he lead us on for that long? We all trusted him. I'm so tired of it all.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when Melissa walked over to us. Her face dropped when she saw how we were sitting. I gave her a small smile as she reached out and put a hand on Stiles' shoulder. Who I didn't realize until now, was asleep.

"Stiles." She spoke up. He didn't answer her so she shook his shoulder slightly and he jolted upright. His eyes focused on her then he stood up in a panicked state. "He's okay." Melissa smiled a little. "Dr. Geyer is stitching him up right now."

"Okay, I wanna see him." Stiles went to walk past her as I stood up as well.

"Okay, okay." Melissa stopped him. "The anesthesia needs to wear off. It's gonna be at least two hours."

"Okay, yeah, but everything's gonna be okay though, I mean, he's okay?"

"Mhm. He's going to be just fine."

I smiled at Melissa's words and my heart swelled. He's going to be okay. This is great. Finally something good happens.

"Oh, thank God." Stiles breathed out a sigh of relief as his eyes welled up with tears.


About two hours later, Melissa grabbed me and Stiles from the waiting room and we were led down a few halls and into a room where Sheriff was laying on a bed with an oxygen mask on.

"Why does he still have an oxygen mask on?" Stiles asked. "What's going on?"

"When we stitched him up, he seemed fine. But then his vitals started going nuts so we put him back on oxygen." The doctor explained. "My mom, Melissa and I were standing back. I couldn't take my eyes off of Stilinski. He was ghost white.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know, yet."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Stiles raised his voice slightly. "Two hours ago, he was fine. Now it looks like somebody took a baseball bat to his neck." I craned my neck to see what he was talking about. There was a really big purple bruise starting at the base of his neck and traveling up.

The doctor spoke in a calm voice. "There could've been some minor internal."

"Did you say, 'minor internal'? Since when is anything internal minor?"

"Stiles." Melissa stepped forward to try and calm him down.

"I need to know what's going on with him, okay?" His breathing started picking up. "Dr. Geyer, somebody needs to tell me what's happening. Somebody needs to tell me what's happening to him!"

I flinched at his harsh and loud tone.

"We don't know." Dr. Geyer kept a calm tone.

I watched Stiles look from the Dr., to his dad, to the door. His face contorted into anger and I heard his heart start racing as be stomped out of the room. I quickly followed because I had no idea where he was going. My eyes found Scott right before Stiles grabbed him by the shirt, slammed him into the wall, then tackled him to the ground.

"Stiles!" I yelled and rushed over to the two boys.

"Where were you?" Stiles asked Scott. "You trusted him. You believed him. Right, huh? So, where were you?"

"Hey, Stiles." I reached out and grabbed his arm. Thank God for me Werewolf strength, I got him off of Stiles just as Melissa and two other doctors rushed over.

"Where the hell were you?!" Stiles yelled in Scott's face before I yanked him away.

"Stop it!" Melissa yelled.

I stood in shock. I mean, yeah, the boys have gotten into verbal arguments before, but it's never been physical. This scared me.

"Your dad's not the only one who got hurt." Scott spoke up quietly.

"Oh, you'll heal." Stiles scoffed.

Scott looked down at his shirt that had a small blood stain on it. "I'm not talking about me."

It can't be Lydia... what the hell did Theo do to her?

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