Natsuo x reader part 4

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🍋Little lemon🍋

Time skip

Your POV

"Fuck yes oh fuck yes!" He shouts. I scream from his release. He lays down. "Ride me." He says.

The doorbell rings

He groans. "I'll get it but you're riding me when I get back." He says. "Yes sir." I say and bite my lip. He gets the light sheet and goes and gets the door. I lay down and wait catching my breath.

🍋 Lemon stop🍋

Natsuo's POV

I sigh and go to the door. This better be quick. I answer the door and its (gf/n). Oh shit. "Hey." She says a bit surprised at my appearance. "Hey...what are you doing here?" I ask.

What do I even say in this situation?! I'm basically covered in hickies and bite marks. "You weren't answering my text or calls I thought something was wrong. So I tracked your location." She says looking at me up and down. She looks upset. "Oh sorry about that I w-" I say.

I'm held from behind. "Natsu come back to bed so I can ride you. You got me all excited." (Y/n) says pressing against me. I unintentionally get hard from her words. "U-um." I say.

Your POV

I peek from in front of him. It's a girl. I come from behind him. I'm at least in my panties and his shirt. I didn't bother to cover the marks he gave me since he'll just add more.

I have only one button done so I can take it off easily. We look each other up and down. She's a bit on the thinner side. Medium length hair a bit taller than me. She's not as plump as me either.

Is this what he wants? The only thing we have in common is our hair color. I look at him. He doesn't bother to look back. He's ignoring me. I look down. It must be awkward since I made him rock solid.

Especially since this whole having sex with me was planned. Her seeing the progress must be hard. "I'm sorry but I can't right now." She says. What the heck does that mean. She turns away. I hold her wrist. She looks back at me.

"I know how you feel." I say. "You hate the fact that you have to do this knowing how this had to play out. It's not easy. You could have done this another way but you chose this way. This isn't exactly for the weak. You have to be strong to handle something like this. You don't want me to see you vulnerable. It's okay though. I'm jealous to be honest." I say. She faces me and doesn't bother to leave. I start to button the shirt up. "You have someone. You want to make a future together and that's something I want in my future. I don't have anyone to do that with. You wanted a child. Since you came to me asking for help how could I say no. Lowering your chances of having a future you've dreamed of. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Knowing that I could have helped you and I didn't help in anyway at all. So I decided that I should go through with this. Being a hero and all, not being able to save or help someone. It eats away at you forever." I say.

They both look disappointed. She looks at him like she wants to say something. "I'm sorry but I can't do this. I can't handle this. Knowing how much he enjoys you. How he wanted to spend all this time alone with you. I understand now. Why he wasn't answering the phone. He loves you a lot and wants to give you attention more than anything. It only takes one time but he wanted a week. I told myself it was just so they could catch up. I had a feeling it was more than that because once we have the baby he wouldn't be able to have sex with you. Seeing you now makes it clear." She says looking down. "The way he looks at you and how he talks about you. Is nothing but admiration. He praises you. Our relationship hasn't been all that. It's not as exciting lately. I've been thinking about that lately." She says. "And?" He asks.

"I think that we should split up. We shouldn't be together if we aren't happy with each other." She says. "You have got to be kidding me." I say. She looks away. "I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant with the child you wanted with him and now you want to split up." I say. She looks away.

"Leave now." I say making electricity with my fists. She gets in her car and drives off. I sigh and deactivate my quirk. I rub my face. He holds me and I hold him back.

He kisses my forehead. He picks me up and goes inside shutting and locking the door. He sits on the couch with me in his lap. "I was conflicted too after we spent all this time together. You made me feel different. A good different more loved and cared for." He says. "That's because I do." I say looking away.

"Huh?" He says. "This whole time. I've been thinking about us. Imagining us together. You being mine and me being yours. This whole baby thing being our decision to have a baby together. Natsuo I've liked you for the longest. So I'm really happy you felt some attraction to me. That you thought about me." I say. "Then do you want to be together and have this baby be ours only ours. I really like you too and to be honest you were making me reconsider this whole thing right after we had sex." He says. "I do." I say. We kiss passionately.

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