B,T,D x reader part 2

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Your POV

"Okay last try for today." I say. We try the chocolate. It tasted amazing. "Finally we got it right." Hagakure says. "I thought we'd never get it right." Tsu says. "It took awhile but at least we finally got it piping and all." I say. "Yeah they better like it too." Mina says.

"Now all we have to do is make a final chocolate tomorrow so they're perfect. Then we'll be all set." I say. "Well that will be done tomorrow." Mina says. "Yeah let's go home. It's already late." Hagakure says. "See you tomorrow." I say.

Time skip to Valentine's day

Okay all the cupcakes are made. They have their cute containers. I didn't expect to put so much work into Valentine's day but I did. It'll all be worth it once I see what Bakugo,Todoroki and, Deku think of it. I worked really hard. I didn't want to give them just regular old chocolates I didn't bother to think if they didn't like that kind.

 I didn't want to give them just regular old chocolates I didn't bother to think if they didn't like that kind

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I put them in cute boxes and put them in my bag. What do I say to them. I made these for you I didn't know which kind you liked so I made different ones. I hope you like them. Happy Valentines day. I sigh I just can't do that. Maybe I'll write a note. It'll be much easier and a nice touch. I get papers and write neatly.

Dear (each name),

Happy Valentines day. I didn't know which kind of chocolate you like so I made different ones. I hope you have a nice day.
- (Y/n) ♥️

If this doesn't say I like you then I don't know what to do. I put them in cute pink envelopes then put a heart sticker to seal it. I write their names on the envelope so they know. Alright here goes nothing. I put the envelopes. In between the ribbons at the top.

Time skip

I get to school early so I can set the cupcakes on the desks and put the boxes on the guys desks. There all set. Mr. Aizawa comes in. "You're up early." He says. "I wanted to get a head start. I worked hard and gave it my all. I also figured you wouldn't want the other to see me give you this." I say putting a chocolate cupcakes with a chocolate kitty on top. His cheeks turn a little pink. "Thank you." He says. "Mhm can I go to the teachers office. I have cupcakes for them too." I say.

"Go ahead but be back before the bell rings." He says. "Thank you." I say. I quickly walk to the teachers office. I put them on their desks. I hope they like them. I quickly get back to class. I get in my seat and breathe out.

"I see you got everything done." Mina says. "Yeah it took me awhile but I did it." I say. Mina puts her box on Kirishima's desk.  (I know I know you don't have to say kiribaku. I know it's adorable and basically cannon.) Tsu and Hagakure gets here early too. Tsu puts hers on Tokoyami's desk. Hagakure puts hers on Ojiro's desk. "Congrats on finishing." Tsu says.

"Thanks." I say. "I can't believe you did it. By the way I see that the guys boxes are a bit bigger than expected." Hagakure says. "I may have added a few more things." I say and blush. "How cute." Mina says. Todoroki comes in. Oh God he's here. I hide behind my book.

"I guess we should get to our seats." Mina says and they go sit at their desks. He looks at it then looks at the note. He's reading it. I quickly look at my book so he thinks I'm not looking at him. I can feel him stare at me. He puts it in his bag with a slight smile. I'm dying inside literally dying.

He smiled it was so cute. Deku comes in and sees the cupcake and box on his desk. He blushes a deep red. It's expected. He always gets flustered at these kind of things. He reads the note and looks inside. He looks amazed with a big smile.

I was happy that it made him so happy. He puts it away in his bag carefully. Bakugo comes in mad as usual. He looks at his desk confused. He takes a look inside. He turns his head and his usual tch. He looks at the note.

He blushes and hides his face. He puts it in his desk. "Looks like it was a success." Mina says with a smile. I hide my face in my book. "Mhm." I say. I watch as Kirishima,Ojiro and Tokoyami come in. They smile and blush. "I guess so." I say to Mina with a smile.

"Shush!" She says blushing. "Okay okay class is starting." I say. Everyone settles down quickly in fear of Mr. Aizawa. "As you can see everyone got a cupcake from (Y/n) so be sure to thank her." He says. Mineta sulks because he got nothing.

Time skip to lunch

Everyone had eaten their cupcakes and loved them. Kirishima, Ojiro and, Tokoyami came up to me asking what flavor Tsu, Hagakure and, Mina liked. I write it down for them and they take their leave. I sit with them. "Well aren't you three lucky." I say. "What happened?" Mina says. "Lets just say there are good surprises for you in your future. I don't want to ruin it so you'll have to wait." I say.

"No fair." Mina says. "But maybe this means they like each and everyone of you." I say with a smile. They all blush. "Aren't I just a perfect match maker." I say. "For others yes. For yourself not so much." Tsu says. "True." I  say. The bell rings for lunch to be over.

I go to my locker and several chocolates fall out. "Huh?" I say blushing. I play a game of tetris to put them all back in. "Why would anyone want to give me chocolate? It makes no sense." I say. I look at the last three. The names say Bakugo,Deku and, Todoroki. My heart beats fast.


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