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Start from the beginning

"Welcome back you two, got busted?"

"What does it fucking look like?"

"Ignore him" Tommy spoke as he looked at his brother annoyingly before turning to his friend "someone must've caught word and bloody reported, We'll find them and put them in their place"

"Good to hear. Your father and brother are upstairs in his office" the brown and green-tipped-haired man instructed as he took the now-bloodied napkin from Wilbur. With a simple nod, the two brothers parted from the frontman and headed for the elevator in the back.

They walked through the VIP section, passing all the dancers and show watchers. The doors opened immediately, Tommy hitting level 19 as they shut.

The two stood in silence, Wilbur fidgeting with his gun and Tommy with his blade he always carried with him. He wasn't much of a hand-to-hand combat guy, preferring the behind the scenes of driving. Technically he wasn't supposed to even be on the roads, but when did their family ever listen to the rules?

The doors opened slowly, revealing two big red doors with golden handles. Tommy knocked loudly, a voice calling them in on the other side answering immediately. They did as told and entered.

Behind a desk sat a man with bright blonde hair and a white dress shirt and green tie. His hands were intertwined with one another as they laid on the desk. Next to the man stood another man with a long pink braid which fell down his back, wearing a simple white dress shirt and black jeans. He had golden rings decorating his fingers and earrings hanging from his ears.

The man leaned forward as he watched the two approach him. Neither held any fear, never had they needed to fear their father.


"What the fuck happened to you?" Techno interjected as his eyes laid on his younger brother's bloodied face and hands. His face scowled as he spoke.

"Some bastard reported us. All arrested, I managed to get away but I'm gonna find them and give them what they deserve" The brunette replied as he fiddled with another unlit cigarette.

"Police chased us forever too, ended up nearing the end of the city before we finally lost them" Tommy motioned with his left thumb to the side of the city they had been chased into before tucking them into his jeans pockets.

"Any casualties?" Phil asked calmly, leaning back into his chair. Wilbur chuckled slightly.

"A few, think at least one is for sure dead, shot a woman pretty good, hopefully, she'll pass"

"Good" the older spoke up again "go get yourself cleaned up Wil, we have a meeting in 40"

Wilbur nodded as he headed back for the red doors, Tommy followed him with a quick wave to his father. They headed up two more levels to their penthouse, immediately the brunette headed for his room and the bathroom as the blonde headed for his room adjacent to the others.

He watched the blood pool down the drain, sighing as his knuckles revealed raw wounds. Picking up a hand towel, he gently dried them off and headed out. Wilbur walked back into his room, taking off his now-bullet ridden coat and throwing it to the side and picking up another and putting his fingerless gloves on once again. Other than that, he didn't need to do much to clean himself.

Across the penthouse, Tommy was being a teenager. Blaring his music at the highest volume as he lit himself a joint and walked over to his window, watching all the measly people below him. He smiled as he puffed out his cigarette, enjoying the sensation it gave him, the weed giving him a buzz. He didn't smoke often. He knew his father never wanted this life for him, Wilbur and Techno were made for it, but the blonde? Not so much. Until the age of 14, he refused to even go near the drugs or business but he began to see the good within the bad and began to enjoy the sensation of the adrenaline running through his veins. That was his favourite drug and he would forever be high off it.

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