its all lies, darling😈

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Emerys POV:

I had so much guilt after what happened between me and niall, but now me and harry could be together and niall could be with those two randos. everything was falling into place, except for how sus they were acting and that warning niall gave me before we broke up.

niall would be fine, right? i did a good thing. i told him i didn't like him anymore, so it's ok. now he could listen to sour and relate to it, so i honestly did him a favor. right?

now when i woke up in the tour bus, i opened my eyes to harry right beside me. things were better this way, niall being gone. there was no reminder of what happened, and it was easier to grow and move past this. harry was nicer, too. well, except for zayn. he and i decided to be mad at zayn even though he kinda did us a favor lmao. the rest of the boys were mad at us as well, but even they admitted harry was better. brighter. faster. stronger. happier.

"hey, em." harry nudged me as we laid in bed. i was spacing out again :( something my ex classmates used to make fun of me for when i sat in the back of my classroom💔

"yeah? sorry, spaced out again." i chuckle, scratching the back of my head.

"what are you thinking about?"

i roll onto my back. "everything." i sigh, speaking my truth. "can i ask you a question?"


"niall told me that you guys were in like, a group. a dangerous group. and you were taking me there. what was he talking about?"

harry goes dead silent.


"shut up."

i wince. i thought he loved me. i thought we were ok.


"emery, shut up." he pleads, and i listen even though i think it's unfair. maybe i chose the wrong guy, maybe i should've chosen niall.

angry, i get out of the bunk bed, walking over to the little kitchen area on the bus. there, i see liam drinking a cup of tea. i walk over, sitting next to him. maybe he'll talk to me about it.

"hey, liam." i smile, and he smiles back but only for a second. he's acting a bit strange. maybe he has a crush on me. "how are you?" i sit next to him, grabbing the tea cup out of his hands and taking a big swig of it.

"i'll just get a new cup." he stands up immediately, making himself another cup of tea from the kettle. "um, i'm fine though. how are you?"

"i'm great!" i beam.

"that's...nice." he takes a long, annoyed blink. "i'm gonna go..."

"wait, liam, i have a question." i pout, and he sighs, sitting back down. "niall was telling me about a group you guys are in... and that i could possibly be in danger-"

liam spits out his tea. "what did niall tell you exactly?"

"i don't really remember, he didn't go into full detail. he was just said it was dangerous, and i feel like it's something i should be concerned about."

"damnit..." liam mutters under his breathe. there is awkward tension in the room until louis walks in, fresh out of bed.

"hey liam. hey..." he cringes. "make me a cup, will ya?"

liam nods, getting up quickly again to the kettle.

"good morning, louis."

louis doesn't respond to me as if i wasn't there, and now my mood has suddenly shifted. when we were first introduced, louis was my best friend, and now he won't even speak to me. just shows how fake of a friend he really was.

liam slams down louis' cup of tea, and he looks a bit frantic. louis sips it while the rest of the room just falls silent. too silent.

"look, i don't want you guys to hate me because of what happened to niall. if it makes you feel better, i feel awful, alright? i feel awful and disgusting and like a shitty human being, ok!? so you want to hate me, even though i'm depressed and broken and everybody makes mistakes everyone has those days, then fine!!" i vent. they don't answer, and the room is once again silent.

the bus makes an abrupt stop, and there is an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

"she knows, louis." liam says suddenly, and my heart begins to race. what's going on?

"good timing, eh?" louis raises one eyebrow, looking at me for the first time since the incident.

harry walks in, holding a brick. there's tears in his eyes as he slowly walks closer to me.

"what?" i say, barely audible as i look around the room.

"i'm gonna fix this, love." harry whispers, his voice shaky.

"fix what?"

just as i hear the doors to the bus open, harry charges to me, hitting me in the head. i fall to the floor, the last thing i see being blood before everything goes dark and i black out.

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