Chapter 20: Games Afoot

Start from the beginning

You go about your tasks trying to make your big list into smaller lists divided by area of work on the set. Some people looked at you strangely, but you didn't care. You had the list, and you wanted to finish it. You grimace as Cindy calls you over.

"Hey," she greets.

You are on guard. "Hey."

"I sent a list to Colin for you, and I can't help but notice none of it is done?"

You shake your head, feeling a slight panic, and say, "That can't be right. I'm almost done with it."

Cindy frowns, "You're almost done with it?"

You pull out your tablet and open the list you'd been sent.



"This isn't your list," Cindy shakes her head. "It's Colin's and your list combined."


"The bottom portion is yours."

"Oh, I just got to that part!" You are upset. "I'm so sorry!"

"No, no, honest mistake," Cindy says thoughtfully. "I will go find Colin."

"I still can finish," you say quickly.

"I believe you can," Cindy's smile didn't reach her eyes. "Did you take a lunch?"

"A working one, yes," you reply.

"Wow, good for you," Cindy pats your shoulder. "Oh, what happened to your jacket?"

You didn't notice the small rip till just then. "I had a little bike accident over the weekend."

"Aw," she said. "'Tis a nice one."

"I'll fix it," you shrug simply. "I'd better get going."

"Alright, then."

You spend the rest of the afternoon doing your portion of the list. You want to find Colin and find out what happened for yourself, but you want this list done, regardless of what happened. You smile as the head costumer sends you a quick request to pick up Henry's costume for alterations. You laugh to yourself, knowing why. His time in the gym is showing quite a bit and he is literally bursting out of his garments here and there. Happy for the mini break, you head over. You are nervous and chastise yourself for being so as you arrive at his trailer, and knock.

"Come in."

You open the door. "Hey!" you say brightly. "I have to get your costumes for—" you are cut off by his kiss. You remember so vividly what happened over the weekend, and you swoon against him.

You were still in the costume, minus your underwear. You looked down at Henry, now nude, and pulling you down on his erection after you bathed it with your tongue. He filled and stretched you, causing you to brace yourself by leaning forward and squeezing his shoulders.

"Look at me." He commanded.

You obeyed and it took everything not close your eyes and savor the feeling, everything for you not to watch him watching you as your eyes kept instinctively rolling back and you struggled to focus. You gasped when you were completely seated, feeling like you couldn't move. He moved his hips upward and your mouth fell open, raking his shoulders with your fingertips and trying to hold on.

"Ride me." He held your hips and began to lift you. You eyes rolled closed as you use your thighs to do it, and his hands become a way to balance. Halfway up, he pulled you down and you felt the force of his cock push up into you. No longer a race jockey leaning forward, you are being carried by your mount at a pace you surrender to. As he increased speed, you slightly arch and cry out, your head swimming as he sets a rhythm that pleases you both.

"God, I can't wait till tonight," Henry whispers, his arms still around you, his hips seeming to automatically align with yours as he lifts you against him slightly. You could tell by the glint his eye that he was remembering the past weekend. "I know I shouldn't put in requests, but I really would like another bath."

You smile. "I wouldn't mind that, either."

"I saw you running like a chicken with its head cut off," he said softly. "What's going on?"

"Mix up."

"What mix up?"

You hate this look. It is stern, it is bright and dark with power and commands respect with a dash of fear the more his jaw tightens. It's his Daddy look, whether he realizes it or not, and combined with his furrowing eyebrows, his height, his muscular stature, and the depth of his voice when he is serious, damned intimidating. In his Geralt costume, it's worse.

"I got two lists instead of one," you shrug.

"And you got it all done." He asks, raising his eyebrows.

You nod.

"Did you eat?" he asks.

"You don't eat—" I tried to point out, but he shook his head.

"I'm not anemic," he shoots back. "Did. You. Eat?"

You draw a deep breath and wish you didn't hear the slight tremor in it. "I had a sandwich—"


You realize you didn't eat any fruit. You forgot. You exhale, "That's it."

"Oh, I see." He frowns. "I'm taking you home tonight."


"I'm taking you to your place."

You go through the day and you are worried. Thank goodness you cleaned, did laundry. But there isn't much to eat there, not much at all, and you wonder what Henry is going to say about that.

You see Cindy as you take Henry's costumes to wardrobe. "Hey!"

"Hey!" she smiles. "Colin is really sorry, but you really did him a favor. A van got scratched over the weekend and he was asked to get it repaired."

"He what?" you repeat.

"Yes, he got that last minute, had to drive it someplace, so I guess—serendipity, right?" Cindy shrugs. "Sorry, and thanks so much for rising to the occasion without complaining. I won't forget it."

"'re welcome..." you say. You drop off Henry's wardrobe and hurry about, trying to find Colin. It's almost quitting time when you see him. "Colin!"

Colin does a double take. "Hey—"

"Hey, did you take an SUV to get fixed?" you ask.

"Yeah, parked it hours ago, it looks almost new," he nods happily. "Sorry about that error and thanks for covering for me while I did that."

"Uh, no problem," you try to choose your next words carefully. "Which one is it?"

"Oh, I don't know," Colin chuckles. "I literally was given the slip of paper with the number on it, and got right on it—" he goes through his list. "not even on my list, sorry." He blinks. "Why do you ask?"

"Nothing, just curious."

"Is there something wrong?"


Colin rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Sometimes I think you're a little odd. I like you, but..." he chuckles. "Odd."

You laugh. "Writers are like that."

"Studying details for a book?"

"Yeah," you nod, giggling.

"Well, thanks again, we'll see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow!" You smile. As soon as he leaves you head to where the cars are parked. Maybe you can find out who might have had the close call with you—

You reach the car park and exhale. All the SUVs are in a row, and they all look the same. What is going on? Truly, the games are afoot.

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