Hell on Main Street

Start from the beginning

"Well this is great." Dean finally broke the silence as they turned down another street. "We've been in town 20 minutes and we've already lost the angel up our sleeve."

"You think uh... you think Lucifer got him?" Sam asked, a hint of concern edging at his tone.

Marley glanced over at him, and almost laughed as she saw the way the air was blowing his hair back. It was like a L'Oréal commercial. This is serious she reminded herself before facing forward so she wasn't watching his mane blow in the wind.

"I don't know what else to think." Dean sighed.

"There you are."

A new voice sounded behind them, and all the hunters turned around, guns aimed at the lady. She had wavy brown hair that fell past her shoulders onto the black leather jacket that she wore over a purple shirt. Her hands were perched inside her jean's pockets, and she stood with her hipped cocked in a way that made it evident she was too cool to be threatened by guns. The wind was blowing heavily away from Marley, so she couldn't catch a scent.

"Meg!" Sam called out.

Marley glanced over at him, confused. The name sounded slightly familiar, but she couldn't quite place it.

"You shouldn't have come here boys."

The wind shifted slightly, but still didn't bring any scent to Marley's nose. But her ears picked up on something else entirely- a growl? Marley's gaze shifted away from Meg and looked 5 feet to her right. There was nothing there. A quick glance beside her told her that no one else had heard anything. Maybe she was imagining things.

"Yeah?" Dean walked a few steps toward the girl, the Colt cocked and aimed at her face. "Well, I could say the same thing for you."

"Didn't come here alone, Dean-o."

Marley frowned. That was her nickname for him. Suddenly the water beside Meg splashed as if something had stepped in it, and a loud growl sounded in the air that everyone clearly heard this time. And then more growling and snarling was heard in front of them. Marley's body tensed, there had to be at least 4 or 5 of them.

"What is that?"

Marley spoke quietly, but Dean heard her and spoke without turning around.


Suddenly Meg's gaze was resting on Marley, her head tilting to the side with an almost amused look on her face. "You didn't know that?"

Marley shrugged nonchalantly, keeping up her cool act despite being slightly on edge with hellhounds now thrown into the mix. "Kind of new to all this."

"New?" Meg scoffed and shook her head, amusement sparkling in her eyes that was chilling paired with the smile that grew on her face. "You don't even know what you are, do you?"

Dean glanced back at Marley only to see her with a confused expression that mirrored his own feelings. So he turned back around to look at the demon.

"What the heck are you talking about?"

"Oh if my dad could see his pet project now." Meg muttered before once again addressing the group, completely ignoring Dean's question. "Come on boys. My father wants to see you."

Seriously, what the heck was she talking about? Marley had never met this demon before in her life, let alone her dad. Did demons even have parents? Unless of course she was referring to Lucifer, in which case she definitely had never met him.

"I think we'll pass. Thanks." Sam's voice held an edge to it at the mention of Lucifer.

"Your call." Meg shrugged without a care in the world. "You can make this easy, or you can make it really, really hard."

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