He came around the corner, relief and surprise mixing over his face. "You did it."

"Okay, see, this is why you're not the actor. Because that tone sounded very surprised that I actually managed to do something despite how 'confident' you were sending me in here." She playfully glared at him as she walked out.

He grinned as he walked beside her. "Never had a doubt in my mind."

She felt the back of his hand brush against hers, and she bit her lip as she felt a chill race up her arm- a chill that for once had nothing to do with ghosts. They walked back to the lobby in silence and Marley went to go give the lady her costume back while Dean went to tell Chuck the coast was clear. As she was heading to the bathroom to change she saw Sam walking in with the two guys.

"Thanks for taking your time out their Sammy!" She yelled across the lobby.

"Anything for you!" He called back.

"Who is she anyway?" The fake Sam asked watching as she disappeared into the bathroom.

"Uh," Well they wouldn't believe him anyway. "That's Marley."

Fake Dean snorted. "As if Marley would ever be that cool."

Sam chuckled to himself as they walked away. They had no idea.


Marley walked out of the hotel and saw Sam talking to Chuck and Becky. She hadn't seen Dean inside at all so she figured she would check if Sam knew where he was. She didn't particularly feel like talking to the other two, so she spoke up before she got there so she wouldn't have to stop and interact.

"Where's Dean?"

"Said he was gonna be waiting at the car." Sam said nodding his head in that direction, his hands stuffed in his jacket pockets.

"Hi Marley." Chuck offered meekly.

She flipped him off behind her back, not even bothering to turn around. The sound of Sam's laugh met her ears, causing a smirk to cross her face. As she approached the Impala, she saw Dean standing outside it, his forearms leaning against the roof as he stared off into the distance.

"So are we thinking we just hot-wire and steal a few more impalas?" She joked gesturing to the line of 4 other impalas in the parking lot.

Dean turned around at the sound of her voice, a smile unconsciously coming onto his face, and shook his head. "Wouldn't be the same car."

Marley nodded in understanding as she came to a stop, standing in front of the back left door. Her gaze was down, looking at about the foot of space between her black combat boots and his dark brown boots. When she looked up she was surprised to see Dean looking at her, the lightest smile on his lips, and his eyes filled with an emotion she didn't recognize.

"What?" She rose her eyebrows ever so slightly.

It wasn't an annoyed tone, she was just genuinely curious what was going through his head. The smile grew slightly and he shook his head, averting his gaze. But after a few seconds he looked back at her.

"You're just... you're awesome."

Marley snorted but quickly changed it into a chuckle and looked down at the ground.

"I repeat 'naughty' to some psycho kids like 30 times and that makes me awesome." She hummed to herself in amusement.

The brown boots took a step towards her. "That's not what I mean."

Marley looked up to find those green eyes much closer to her now, and she had to tilt her head back slightly to look at him. Her brow furrowed as she looked at him, trying to figure out what he was talking about. She stood there, frozen, as his hand gently moved some hair that had fallen in front of her face when she had ducked her head, and tucked it behind her ear. He licked his lips nervously before he opened his mouth to speak.

"I'm sorry." Her brows furrowed deeper at his apology. "When we first met, I thought I knew who you were. But... you are part wolf, but you are not a monster."

A lump formed in Marley's throat and her stomach squeezed as she heard those five little words. The next breath she took shook slightly, and she bit the inside of her lip, trying to hold back everything until he was done.

"I never should have called you that, you never were. And you, wolf genes and all, are awesome." Dean kept his eyes locked on her gray eyes, it was the only thing keeping him going right now. "I really like you Marley."

A smile spread across her face that was quickly mirrored by him. "I really like you too Dean."

It hadn't been one specific moment. It was a gradual shift over time. But here they finally stood across from each other. Not a hunter and monster. But a man scared to love and lose, and a woman who had never really known what love was. Their lives had slowly shifted to bring them here. Face to face, a mere foot in between them. And then even that foot was gone. Dean closed the distance between them, and he leaned down and kissed Marley.

His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to him as she kissed him back. Her hands drifted upwards, over his shoulders and her left hand found its way to his hair. She felt him smile into the kiss before he pulled back ever so slightly. Marley looked at him, her breathing heavier than normal as she tried to get her breath back.

"Is now when I'm supposed to tell you I chase squirrels and bark at the mailman?"

Dean chuckled before muttering "shut up" and brought her in for another kiss. The same explosion of butterflies happened in the pit of Marley's stomach as her eyes fluttered shut, melting into him.

And then a throat cleared behind them. They both pulled away, one smirking, the other blushing a furious shade of red.

"Well it's about dang time." Sam said sauntering up to them and walking to his side of the car. "I got a lead on the colt... unless of course you guys need some more time alone together."

Marley couldn't even look him in the eye, embarrassment coursing through her veins.

"Tell us on the way." Dean said as if nothing had happened.

He opened Marley's door for her before hopping behind the wheel and starting the engine. As he pulled out of the parking lot, he couldn't help but glance in the rearview mirror, a smile once again appearing on his face.

From this point on please note that Dean does not flirt with anyone. If you have any questions about what Marley, Sam, or Dean is doing during a specific scene or episode please feel free to ask. Typically I do have some idea, I just don't have enough to make a chapter out of it.



So much crap happened this episode and I hope y'all enjoyed all of it. I decided to not have a fight and instead have Marley actually succeed despite my editor advising me against it because it was so anticlimactic 😬. In the show the lady's phone went off cuing the ghosts it wasn't real, so I kind of wanted to show that with Marley here some things do change.

Speaking of things changing.... THEY FINALLY KISSED! Their first real kiss that was reciprocated by both parties.

And the best part is- stuff is only just getting started. The next episode may contain my favorite stuff I've ever written for this fanfic 😄

And for those of you wishing chapters were longer, I'm sorry. Trying to keep updates more consistent has led to shorter chapters so it's more spread out. The next episode is split into 4 parts and is a total of over 10,000 words so I hope that's better for some of you ❤️

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