Teaming Up With Yourselves

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"Hey Rufus, Bobby, hurry it up!" The fake Dean called back.

Marley trotted alongside him, as he still held her makeshift leash.

"You alright?" Sam ask Dean in a quiet tone.

"I'm trying to be."

The hunter was clearly aggravated by the fact that these two amateurs were along. Marley looked back over her shoulder at the two boys, checking in on them herself. However she quickly turned back around as the fake brothers began acting out a scene from one of the books. From what Marley remembered, it was a very emotional scene- and the things that Sam said... it hurt Dean. So it wasn't all that surprising when Dean finally snapped. Their little parade came to a halt as the two other guys turned to face Sam and Dean.

"I think that the 'Dean and Sam' story sucks! It is not fun. It's not entertaining. It is a river of crap that would send most people howling to the nuthouse! So you listen to me. Their pain is not for your amusement. I mean do you think they enjoy being treated like- like circus freaks?"

Sam winced slightly at his brother's outburst. The other two guys traded looks that clearly said they thought Dean was insane.

"Uh, I don't think they care, because they're fictional characters." Demian stressed the last two words as if Dean didn't realize how stupid he was.

"Oh they care." Marley looked at him in concern as he went to brush past them. "They care a lot."

He stormed off with a shake of his head, the two other guys turning to look at Sam for an explanation on Dean's behavior. Marley walked to the end of her leash, a whine escaping her throat as she looked after Dean. This whole place was getting to him more than she would have expected and she couldn't shift to go after him. Not that he would probably talk to her anyway.

They finally came across the cemetery and Marley tuned out their entire conversation of Dean convincing them they had to dig up the bones to win the game. She curled up next to a tombstone as the two guys aimed their flashlights towards the ground while Sam and Dean took turns digging. Dean had almost finished when the wind started to howl. Leaves were upturned and thrown through the air. Marley got to her feet, her hair once again on edge as she felt that same supernatural presence she had felt before the last ghost she had seen appeared. Her gaze was focused behind Sam, there was nothing there, but she felt something.

"You just dug up a real grave!"

"Yeah." Dean's voice made it clear that obviously that was exactly what he had done.

Demian moved his mouth like a fish as he looked at the skeleton before shifting his gaze to Sam. "You guys are nuts."

"I thought you said you guys wanted to be hunters."

"Hunters aren't real man. This isn't real."

"You guys have seriously lost your grip on this." The fake Sam spoke as they began walking away.

The leash was dragging Marley with them. She felt the rope digging into her neck as they pulled her away, she walked backwards still trying to figure out where the ghost was. 3 feet. Then 5. They made it 10 feet away before Marley went ballistic. Her jaws flew open, a volley of barks and yelps flying out of her mouth, spittles of drool flying through the air. She pulled against the leash, her front legs raising up into the air as she met the resistance.

Dean's head had shot up from inside the grave the second the first bark left her mouth. Sam swiveled to look where Marley was barking and came face to face with the ghost of Letitia Gore. She backhanded Sam across the face causing him to go flying. The two guys screamed, Demian dropping her leash, as they ran towards the hotel. Marley immediately took off towards Sam, and Dean hopped out of the grave to grab the salt from his duffel bag. Honestly Marley didn't really have a plan, she just knew she had to protect Sam who was lying sprawled out and, not unconscious, but seriously dazed, in the weeds of the cemetery. The ghost suddenly appeared in front of the two fans and began trying to rip out their hearts. But Dean dropped the lighter into the coffin causing both the skeleton and the ghost to go up in flames.

Don't Go Eating My HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora