Another knock, this one was a little louder.

Why the hell was her mirror knocking?

Her reflection stared back at her, at least her eyes weren't red this time.

Another knock, even louder than the previous one.

Raven hesitantly reached out a hand toward the mirror.

A hand closed around her throat

Raven's eyes widened

She couldn't breath

Her hand went up to her neck in an attempt to free herself from the grasp-

But nothing was there...

Raven was being choked by... nothing.

She was now being lifted off the ground by her throat which was being squeezed very forcefully.

Raven could see the blood rushing to her face in the mirror

She was struggling, wriggling around, trying her best to get free but it was no use.

And now Raven could feel it.

The veins under her eyes

They were definitely there this time.

But Raven didn't have time to worry about that since she was in full-on panic mode about the fact that she was... floating?

What do you call it when you're about to be killed by something that isn't even there?

Raven shut her eyes tight, ready for the blackout that was about to happen.

Raven must have died

She could no longer feel the strain of the hand around her throat so it must be over.

But something was weird

She was standing, she could feel the floor under her bare feet.

Raven had always thought that in death, there would just be nothing, no feeling, no pain, nothing. That was of course before she died and became a vampire. But this time, she felt she had died for real.

Then how could she feel the ground?

Raven opened her eyes.

She was standing in front of the mirror

Like she had been before the hand grabbed her.

It was as if nothing had happened.

Had it? Actually, happened?

Raven wasn't even sure anymore.

Raven stumbled away from the mirror and fast-walked toward her bedroom door, she would go find Amber. Amber always knew how to help her. Before she could so much as reach for the handle-


From behind her-



Raven froze



Getting louder, and louder



Raven wouldn't have been able to move if she tried



"Raven I swear to God, wake the hell up!"

Raven's eyes shot open.

Again, she was in bed

Light shined in through the small space between her curtains

Amber's obnoxious shouting and frantic knocking from the other side of her door telling her to get the hell out of bed.

Raven sat up and looked around.

Her eyes caught the mirror hanging on her wall

It seemed innocent, just hanging there, as it had been for the past two years since Raven had gotten it.

She looked at her arm and pinched herself.

Nothing happened

So this time, it wasn't a dream


"Raven, I'm gonna give you five seconds, and then I'm going in there!"

"I'll be out in a minute"

Raven brought a hand to her face and wiped the thin layer of sweat from her forehead.

She hadn't even noticed that she was breathing heavily.

She slid her feet over the side of her bed and heaved herself up.

She would never tell anyone this

But that wasn't the first time she had that nightmare.  

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora