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Here's the epilogue.....

I really want to take this moment and thank you guys for supporting this story. It has come such a long way! Really...I remember when I got my very first comment on it and I died a little bit because of happiness....

Anyway, I hope you guys like the ending.


~Months Later~

Liam’s P.O.V.

            “Well, this is it,”

            I looked into William’s eyes and nodded, weight suddenly being lifted off my shoulders. This was my last therapy session.

            “Liam,” He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder, “You may have been the most rewarding person I have ever helped,”

            I chuckled, “I was pretty messed up,”

            “No!” William waved his hands in front of him, chuckling, “I meant, I’m just really glad you’re okay,”

            I nodded in understanding, “Thanks,”

            I walked to the door of his office, and he followed me.

            “If you ever need anything, Liam,” He said, “just give me a call,”

            I smiled, “Of course,”

            Then I walked out of his office, feeling like I was on top of the world.

            I ran the whole way home, feeling relieved and happy and better than I had in months. As soon as I busted into my flat, my mood raised even more.

            “Happy Birthday, Liam!”

            Harry, Louis, Zayn, and my boyfriend all stood in my living room, surrounding a delicious looking cake. I smiled and walked over to them, not being able to contain my excitement.

            “Even though you are having a party later with more people, I thought it would be nice to get together, just the five of us,” Zayn said, smiling at me. I nodded and wrapped him up in a hug.

            “Who made the cake?” I asked, being tempted by the delicious smell. I looked to Harry expectantly.

            “Yeah, it was me, but I had the best assistant in the world,” Harry said. I looked over to Louis, expecting him to be smiling.

            “Oh, no, it wasn’t me,” Louis said, a smirk on his face. He then glanced over to where Niall stood.

            My eyes finally came to rest on the most beautiful human being to ever walk the face of this earth. I stepped closer to Niall and grabbed his hands.

            “You didn’t eat all the batter before you put it in the oven?” I asked with a smirk. Niall blushed.

            “I did eat a little,” He said, looking at his feet. I caught his chin gently with my fingers and raised his head so that we were looking right into each other’s eyes. The blush on his cheeks made me heart pound and I had the urge to kiss him.

            So I did.

            I didn’t care that the others were watching, after touring with us for a few months, this PDA didn't affect them anymore, they just looked the other way. I pulled on Niall’s hair, the way that always makes him moan, and this time was no exception. He moaned into my mouth and I let my tongue explore the well known territory.

            When I pulled away, I pecked him once more on the lips for good measure and then turned around to face everyone.

            “Well,” I said, “Are we going to eat or are we just going to stand here?”

            Later that night, after my second party of the day, Niall and I were cuddled up in my bed. I was twirling his hair and he was huddled into my bare chest, keeping me warm.


            “Yeah, babe?” I said.

            “I love you,” Niall mumbled.

            I smiled and kissed his forehead, “I love you too,”

            “I can’t live without you,” he said.

            “Good, because you’ll never have to,”

                                                                         THE END


Well, I'm sad to see it be done.

But please, one last time.... just for me....






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