Chapter 32 - Love Me Senseless

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THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER! AHHH! This has been amazing to write, and I hope you guys have enjoyed it along the way too :P

After this there is only the epilogue left....

Enjoy the last chapter!

(Mature reading towards the end! I will put an author's note where that starts...)


Liam’s P.O.V.

            Tour continued as planned. Things were falling back into place in such a way, I felt like everything bad was behind us, and Niall and I would be moving on to better things. We were in L.A. today, and we were in a concert hall, getting ready for our performance.

            “Harreh!” Louis called, running into the dressing room and jumping onto his lap. They both started laughing and proceeded to fake make-out. Actually, they may have been making out for real….I’m not sure. I looked away and over to Niall, who was changing into his concert outfit. He was in only his boxers, trying to step into his pants but he kept losing his balance and falling all over the place. I smiled and walked over to his, grabbing his hips from behind to steady him.

            “You alright?” I mumbled against his neck. Niall shivered and nodded rigidly. “Good,”

            I waited for him to step into his pants before I let go of him, that way he wouldn’t fall again. I traced my fingers over the word carved into his back for no reason, knowing that his scars were sensitive and often gave him chills.

            “I’m starting to think that you find my battle wounds hot,” He smirked. I chuckled and pressed my lips to his temple.

            “Everything about you is hot,” I mumbled against his warm skin. He smiled and fell into my body.

            “Oi! Love birds! Pull apart so Niall can get dressed! We go on soon,” Harry called from the other side of the room where Louis sat in his lap. I chuckled.

            “Same to you then,” I winked. Harry pushed Louis off his lap and gave him a smack on the bum, sending him to the clothes rack. When my eyes returned to Niall, he was now dressed, looking as fine as ever. “You are going to drive those girls mad,” I said, a smile playing on my lips. Niall blushed and looked to his feet.

            “Stop,” He mumbled.

            “Oh, c’mon Ni, you’re so hot, everyone out their will want you,” I said, “Whether they claim to like Harry better or not,”

            Niall seemingly had quite enough of my flattery for the time being, and now began to fidget in his spot. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into my body again.

            “Let’s go boys!” Paul called from outside the door.

            Here we go.

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