Chapter 29 - What The Hell Have You Done?

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Hey everyone! Be prepared for another teary chapter! Sorry about all of this drama. We will see how much longer it lasts ;)


Liam’s P.O.V.

            I didn’t sleep that night again. I couldn’t. Being away from Niall was extremely terrible and painful in every way, but there was just no way that I could be around him anymore. Not like this. There will never come a minute where I don’t regret what I did. I wish I could take those words back, and just try to keep on moving forward, but in the back of my mind, I know what I did was the only way to keep Niall safe.

            Days passed, and the tour was going to start back up again. I didn’t sleep, and I didn’t leave my flat, which made me feel even more pathetic. A day or two before we left London was due to start up again, Zayn came to my door.

            “Holy fuck,” He cursed when he saw me, “Liam, mate, you look terrible,”

            I probably did. His words didn’t really hurt. I knew that there were large blue streaks under my eyes and that my face was extremely pale. I knew it.

            “Don’t tell me that Niall has gone off again,” Zayn said, clearly starting to worry. I shook my head.

            “No, it’s nothing like that,” I said, “Have you spoken to Niall at all?”
            “Nope, but Louis and Harry have, and they keep saying that they are mad at you,” Zayn said, scratching the back of his neck, “What happened Liam? I thought everything was getting better,”

            “If you want to know, you should probably come in,” I said, noticing storm clouds rolling in. The past days had been relentlessly rainy, and very dreary. Zayn stepped in and headed for the couch, which I had been attempting to use as a bed when I couldn’t fall asleep in my room.

            “Have you been sleeping down here?” He asked, pulling up the blankets so he could have a place to sit.

            “Uh, kind of,” I said.

            “Don’t lie,” He rolled his eyes, “I can tell you haven’t slept. This is exactly happened when Niall disappeared. Remember, I was the one who sang you to sleep,”

            I nodded, remembering the first full night of sleep I had gotten in about two months, “I can’t forget that,”

            “Why aren’t you with Niall?” He asked.

            “I can’t be with him anymore,” I said, “So we’re done,”

            As soon as those words escaped my lips, Zayn’s eyes turned angry and he stood up, grabbing the collar of my shirt in his fists.

            “Are you fucking kidding me?” He yelled in my face. My body started to tremble and I flinched away from him. I knew that Zayn would never really hurt me, but it was still frightening anyway. “So you mean to say that you just broke up with him, after all this shit you two have been through together? Are you kidding me? Niall won’t say a word about you, at all, to anyone. When one of us says your name, he begins to cry, and say that he wants to die,”

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