I got to the address, a Las Vegas chapel? Did Sam find a monster? I took a deep breathe then ran inside.

I found my brothers,
Sam said" So, a little sudden." I walked to Dean, wrapping my arms around his arm, bouncing on my toes." But life is short, so I'll keep this shorter. I'm in love. And I'm getting married." My head tilted all the way over," Say something, like, uh, like, congratulations, for example."
Dean said" What?" Then I saw a woman in a dress coming down the walkway, what the hell?," What the hell?" She stopped at us, Sam pushed the veil away from her face." Becky?"
She said" Dean. River. I'm so glad you're here." My eyes glowed, something's wrong here, no way Sam would fall in love and get married!

Dean said" Shouldn't she ask for my permission or something?"
Sam said" Y-You want her to ask for my hand?"
" How in the- How did this happen?"
" Short version? We-We-We met. We ate and-and talked and fell in love. And, you know, here we are." Huh?
" Yeah, I-I guess I'm all caught up. That's- Okay. You know what? Ignoring everything... have you forgotten the average life-span of your hookups?"
" Yeah, but-"
She said" But if anyone knows that, it's me. I mean, I read every book. So, open eyes, you know? Open eyes."
Dean said" I'm gonna be sick."
Sam said" Dean, look, it's simple. I-If something good's happening, I-I got to jump on it- Now, today, period."
" Okay, Dead Poets Society. Fine. No offense- Did you make sure she's even really-"
Becky said" Salt, holy water, everything. See?" She held out her arm," Not a monster. Just the right girl for your brother."
" Ah."
" That's it."
A man said" The bill." He held out the bill for them,
" I got it. You three do your brother thing." She walked away, three, two...
Dean said" Really?! Superfan 99?"
Sam said" Dean, look. Honest to god, I-I had the exact same opinion of her as you do. But when we got past the whole book thing, I found out t-that she's great and I was the dick."
" Yeah, you know, speaking of the whole, uh, book thing... Becky randomly shows up during Vegas week?" Definitely not a coincidence.
" Yeah."
" Yeah."
" Okay, um, what are you trying to say?"
" I'm saying maybe she knew you were gonna be here. Maybe, uh, uh, uh, Chuck wrote about it."
" Dean, you're paranoid."
" And you're in love?! It's been four days, man!"
" You know what, Dean? You know what? Um, how about this? Becky and I are gonna go up to her place in Delaware. Um, why don't you try and wrap your dome around this, get a little supportive, then give us a call?" He walked away from us, I looked at Dean, he walked to Becky and they walked away.
I said" Kill her?" My eyes glowed, Dean made a slight thinking face then shook his head. I made my eyes go back to normal, I sighed," Then what?"

Dean said" Bobby. Hey, I know you're, uh, beard-deep in that Oregon nest. I'm headed to Delaware to do a little snooping around. Sam is there with his wife." We stopped at the car," That's right. You hear me. His wife. Call me." I got into the car, as he got in,
I said" Snoop then kill her?"
" Okay, killer, calm down."
" I don't like people messing with my brothers."
" I can tell. What happened to your face?" He grabbed my chin and looked at my bruised cheek.
" A man tried to kidnap me."
" Uh... what?!"
" It's okay, I took care of him."
" Bud, as in took care of him... you did what, exactly?"
" My powers slammed him into the wall, then the ground... then threw him 12 feet at least..." I smiled, trying to not get into a lot of trouble.
" Were you gonna tell me any of that?"
" Yeah. Maybe after Vegas."
" How much sugar have you had today?"
" Aaaaa... lot, lot, lot... looot."
" Good to know, sugar crash?"
" Definitely. Eventually... maybe."
" Good to know. Baby brother is hopped up on sugar and adrenaline." I stuck my tongue out at him,
" Mmm!"
I was hit on the side, I groaned and kicked at Dean, who caught my foot.
He said" Dude, no kicking the face."
I mumbled" No hitting the side."
" Touché, grumpy. We're in Delaware. Just saw Sam and Becky leave this place, gonna go in, wanna go with me?"
" No, thanks."
" All right." He got out, I rolled over and opened my eyes, I blinked a few times, I couldn't feel anything off and I wasn't pulled towards anything. So maybe this is a witch or a demon, I'm betting demon, though.
I don't like Becky! And now Dean's dragged me to Becky's to make up with Sam! And now I don't like Sam and Dean! I was pouting behind Dean as he rang the doorbell, the door opened and I saw Sam, I pouted more.
Dean said" Me being supportive. Congratulations to you and the missus."
Sam said" Thanks."
" It's a waffle iron. Nonstick. Yeah, you just, uh, you know... I actually don't know how to use it. Are we good?" Sam probably shrugged," Good, 'cause I'm sniffing a case in this town." We walked in, Dean dragged me in, I just wrapped my arms around his stomach and let him drag me." The score is... Guy wins powerball, gets squished by a truck... second guy went from the bench to the majors. Oh, and one week later, his face was the catcher's mitt, huh?"
Becky said" Our first thought was crossroads demons, but there's that 10-year time frame on collecting souls." We turned and saw Becky in front of a board, oh, hell no!," Then there's cursed object, like in Bad Day at Black Rock, but we haven't been able to connect the vics yet."
" You're working this case... together?"
Sam said" Yeah. I know. Right? I mean, I guess all those Chuck Shurley books paid off."
" All right, listen, Cookie, I don't know what kind of mojo you're working, but, believe me, I will find out."
" Dean, that's... my wife you're talking to."
" You're not even acting like yourself, Sam!"
" How am I not?"
" You married Becky Rosen!"
Becky said" What are you saying? I'm a witch? Or maybe I'm a siren. Ever occur to you we're just- I don't know- Happy?!"
" Come on, Sam! Guy wins the lotto, guy hits the bigs. All right, obviously, uh, people's dreams are coming true in this town. Don't you think this is a little bit of a coincidence?"
Sam said" You know what, Dean? What Becky and I have is real. And if you can't accept that, that's your problem, not ours."
" Or maybe she's part of it. Because for whatever reason, you're her dream. If you really do care about her, I'd be worried. Because people who do get their little fantasies or whatever seem to end up dead pretty quick." Dean turned around,
" You know, I went after her, Dean. Maybe that's what's bugging you-" Dean turned to face them," That I'm moving on with my life. I mean, you took care of me, and that's great. But I don't need you anymore." Dean walked out, I let go of him, I looked at Sam and Becky.
I said" Liars, liars..." My eyes went purple," Wall on fire." The pieces of paper behind them caught fire, not enough to actually hurt anyone, I don't wanna hurt people. But just enough to cause some trouble. I giggled as they started pulling the papers off, I ran after Dean.

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