Chapter 26

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S6 E1: Exile on Main St.

River's attire:


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I was angry. I'm always angry now. Dean's gone normal! Sammy's still gone! Dean put the impala away! I have to go to school! Which in my opinion is about 3 spots away from the Hell, in my worst places to be! We don't hunt anymore! We never see Bobby anymore! It's been nearly a year and everything is changing too fast and I can't stand it! My powers are always on the loose! I want everything to go back to the way it was! Impala, Sammy, Dean. Three things. That's all I want! I don't like school! I don't like living here! I don't like my room or my bed!

I was sitting in my room, it's late, but Dean's not in the house and I won't sleep unless Dean's in the house.
I said" Rexxy." I blinked, Rexxy came into my arms, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged tightly. I heard Lisa in the hallway, she opened my door,
She said" You should really get some sleep, River. Dean'll be back soon." She turned off my light, I gasped, it turned back on.
" Don't turn off the lights!"
" Okay..." She sighed," Okay." She closed the door, walking away, I squirmed on the bed then got up, I grabbed my blanket and my bag. I dragged it to the corner of my room and put my bag down, I sat on the floor, and wrapped my blanket around me, holding Rexxy. I leaned against the wall, waiting.

My door opened and I saw Dean, he scanned the room till he saw me, he closed the door and crouched down in front of it.
He said" You wanna go to your bed?"
I said" Not my bed." He sighed,
" You've gotta work with me here, Riv. I've let you get away with a lot, but man, I've got to stop at the not sleeping thing."
" I've been to hell."
" I have too. But I'm still getting... okay sleep. You, on the other hand, are barely clocking 3 hours a night. And you're falling asleep in school."
" School is boring and useless."
" School is... necessary."
" No, it's not. I know how to do math, and talk, and read, and speak latin. Why do I need school?"
" Because, most kids your age don't know how to speak a second language. Let alone a dead language."
" You mean a dead language that expels demons, and summons them, and does a lot of other useful things." He sighed, then dropped his head,
" You're more sarcastic than ever." He walked to me and lifted me up, he carried me back to the bed and put me down. He sat next to me," You've gotta sleep, in this bed, and go to bed at a normal time. It's nearly 12:30."
" No."
" River, bud, you've gotta-"
" Work with you? I hate this place! I hate everything about it! I hate school! I don't wanna be here anymore!"
" Come on, River... it's not bad-"
" I'd rather be in hell."
" You don't mean that."
" Maybe I do, how would you know? You're too busy trying to be a normal person. I don't wanna be normal. I don't wanna be here." The ground started shaking, my lip shook, I breathed heavily, looking at him.
" River, hey, hey. It's all right. Everything's all right."
" I want home!" He hugged me, I cried into his neck,
" I know, River. You have home in me, okay? You know that, Riv." He pulled me onto his lap and stood up, holding me against him. He started walking," I know this is all new for you, and I know that your mind can only handle so much change before it explodes. And I know that it's nearly been a year, but to you, it feels so much longer. But I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere. Remember, you're stuck with me. Just like I'm stuck with you." I sniffled," You've gotta sleep, River, okay? It's not healthy, dude."
" You're not healthy."
" All right, I deserve that one. But I need you healthy, okay? I'd really not be healthy if anything happened to you, huh? I'd go insane."
" I don't like bed."
" Is it because it's too comfy or because you know I'm not right next to you."
" Can't you just sleep in here?"
" No, you've gotta learn to sleep on your own."
" Room's too big, too many ways in, a monster could get me."
" Oh, so that's your only concern?"
" And-And Rexxy doesn't like the space, either. No hiding spots."
" So, you're worried about a monster getting you? Not that you could have a nightmare, and I'm not directly next to you to wake you up?"
" Nope, a monster is more scary."
" Hmm. Can't be too afraid of a monster, especially if you have this tucked in your pocket." He pulled out a switchblade, he raised his eyebrow,
" Well, that's just being smart."
" And what if I just take it away?"
" No! Dean!" I froze his hand and grabbed the switchblade, unfreezing his hand, I looked at him. Clutching the switchblade in my hand.
" Okay, okay, I won't take the switchblade away." He laid me down on the bed, then laid next to me," Just please, try to fall asleep, okay?" I clutched Rexxy and the switchblade, closing my eyes, laying my head against his arm." I've got you, Riv, I'll always have your back." I finally dozed off...
Lisa came in,
She said" River, you should come with us, it'll be fun."
I said" Where?"
" To the movies and to get something to eat." Ben ran to get his shoes,
" Why?"
" Because Dean says careful's his middle name." Is he hunting something?!
" I'mma kill him." I tried to walk out, I knew he'd be at the impala,
" He wants you to come with us."
" What? No."
" He said to drag you out kicking and screaming."
" What... I hate him."

We walked into the house,
Dean said" Where the hell have you been?" He hugged us, I squirmed till I was out,
Lisa said" We-We were at the movies. You knew that. Dean, ow."
Ben said" What happened?"
Dean said" Go upstairs and pack a bag."
" Where are we going?"
" I'm taking us to a friend's house. Go." What happened? There's a monster, isn't there?
Lisa said" It's okay. Go on up. I'll be there in a sec." Ben walked away,
He said" Um..." Then I saw Sam, I stared at him,
" Oh, my god."
Dean said" Lisa, Ben, I don't know if you remember-"
" Sam." What the hell?!
We got to Bobby's, I hit the door, Bobby opened the door,
He said" Damn it."
Dean said" It's good to see you, too, Bobby. It's been a while."
" If you're here, something's wrong." He's not wrong.
" Bobby, this is Lisa and Ben."
" Well, it's nice to finally meet you two. Mi Casa Es Su Casa. Maybe you want to just go upstairs. TV's broken, but there's plenty of Reader's Digest. Just don't touch the decor, okay? Assume it's all loaded." They walked upstairs,
" So..."
Sam said" Hey, Bobby."
Bobby said" Sam." He knew Sam was back...

Dean said" You knew? You knew Sam was alive."
Bobby said" Yeah."
" How long?"
" Look-"
" How long?!"
" All year."
" Oh, you got to be kidding me."
" And I'd do it again."
" Why?!"
" Because you got out, Dean! You walked away from the life. And I was so damn grateful, you got no idea."
" Do you have any clue what walking away meant for me?"
" Yeah- a woman and a kid and not getting your guts ripped out at age 30. That's what it meant."
" That woman and that kid- I went to them because you asked me to."
" Good."
" Good for who? I showed up on their doorstep half out of my head with grief. God knows why they even let me in. I drank too much. I had nightmares. River was worse than me. I looked everywhere. I collected hundreds of books, trying to find  anything to bust you out."
Sam said" You promised you'd leave it alone."
" Of course I didn't leave it alone! Sue me! A damn year? You couldn't put me out of my misery?"
Bobby said" Look, I get it wasn't easy. But that's life! And it's as close to happiness as I've ever seen a hunter get. It ain't like I wanted to lie to you, son. But you were out, Dean."
" Do I look out to you?" I let go of Dean and ran out the door.

I stopped in the middle of the junkyard, I screamed and kicked at the dirt, they're stupid! They're stupid! I breathed heavily as the ground started shaking, the energy inside me exploded, I punched a car, I yelped loudly. I dropped to my knees, breathing slowly as the ground stopped shaking, I shakily stood up. I looked at my hand, then slowly moved my fingers, it's not broken, good. I started walking back to the house, dragging my feet.

I saw Sam and Dean, getting ready to leave, I made them freeze.
Dean said" You're gonna stay here with Lisa and Ben, River."
Sam said" Has he gotten-"
" Better? Oh, definitely. Didn't you notice? River, let us go."
I said" No."
" Come on, man. Let us go."
" No. Knowing you two, you'll never come back."
" Trust me?"
" No."
" All right, great. Wanna let us go now? We're gonna come back, River."
" Why don't I believe you?"
" Because we've probably given you a million reasons not to."
" Probably?"
" We've definitely given you a million reasons not to believe us, because we suck and are crap brothers." I let them go, Dean sighed then walked to me, he crouched down." I trust you to look after Lisa and Ben for me, okay? I'll be back as soon as I can."
" Why can't I come?"
" Because... Because we're gonna be working with some people that I don't trust."
Sam said" They're-"
" Shut up. River, just stay here, all right? I swear, I'll explain everything when I get back, okay?"
I said" What's he talking about?"
" Nothing that you need to know right now."
" Would I kill him if I knew?"
" Definitely. I still kinda wanna kill him."
Sam said" Thanks."
" So, you gonna stay here?"
I said" Fine. But I hate you again."
" Yeah, thought so."
Sam said" How many times has he hated you?"
" He hates you more now than he'll ever hate me." I walked away from them, watching them get in Sam's ugly car and drive off.

I walked back in, after a while,
Bobby said" Bet you're not happy."
I said" Dean went normal and Sam chose to stay away. I haven't been happy in a year." I pulled out my switchblade and started flipping it in my hand, as I sat on the couch.

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