Chapter 32

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Cas said" You're right, he looks terrible. You did this?" I was on the bed, glaring at Dean, he has Sam tied up, he beat him till he was knocked out!
Sam groaned" Cas? Let me go."
" Has he been feverish?"
Dean said" Have you?" I couldn't move, my body hurt too much,
Sam said" No. Why?"
Cas said" Is he speaking in tongues? Are you speaking in tongues?"
" No. What are you- Are you diagnosing me?"
Dean said" You better hope he can."
" You really think this is-"
" You think there's a clinic out there for people who just pop out of hell wrong? He asks, you answer, then you shut your hole. You got it?" I'mma kill him myself!
Cas said" How much do you sleep?"
Sam said" I don't."
Dean said" At all?"
" Not since I got back."
" And it never occurred to you there might be something off about that?"
" Of course it did, Dean. I just never told you."
" What?"
Cas said" Sam, what are you feeling now?"
Sam said" I feel like my nose is broken."
" No, that's a physical sensation. How do you feel?"
" I think-"
" Feel."
" I don't know." Cas took off his belt, and walked toward Sam," Wha- uh..."
" This will be unpleasant."
" What?"
" Bite down on this." Sam bit down on the belt," If there's some place that you find soothing, you should go there... in your mind." Then he stuck his hand into Sam's chest, No! Sam started groaning, screaming muffled by the belt.
I screamed" Stop it! You're hurting him!" I pounced up but Dean grabbed me and held me against him, I was too weak to get out of his grip. Cas pulled away, he was silent,
Dean said" You find anything?"
Cas said" No."
" So that's good news?"
" I'm afraid not. Physically, he's perfectly healthy."
" Then what?"
" It's his soul. It's gone." Dean let go of me, he paced, before turning to Cas again. I gulped,
" Um... I'm sorry. One more time, like I'm 5. What do you mean, he's got no-"
" Somehow, when Sam was resurrected... it was without his soul."
" So where is it?"
" My guess is it's still in the cage with Michael and Lucifer."
" So is he even still Sam?"
" Well, you pose an interesting philosophical question."
" Then just get it back. Well, you pulled me and Riv out."
" It took several angels to rescue you... and you weren't nearly as well-guarded. Sam's soul is in Lucifer's cage. There's a difference. A big difference. It's not possible."
" There's gotta be a way."
Sam said" So, are you gonna untie me?"
" No."
" Listen, I'm not gonna-"
" How am I supposed to let you out of this room?"
" Dean, I'm not some psycho. I didn't want you to get hurt. I was just trying to stop the vamps. I'm sorry. It won't ever happen again. Please let me go."
" You're kidding, right?"
" What're you gonna do, keep me locked up in here forever?"
" Say that like it's a bad thing."
" Okay, fine. Look, I get it. I get it, Dean. I was wrong. But I'm telling you, I'm trying to get right. It's still me."
" Is it?"
" Yes. So just let me go."
" No way in hell."
" I didn't want it to come to this." Sam stood up," You're not gonna hold me, Dean. Not here, not in a panic room, not anywhere. You're stuck with the soulless guy so you might as well work with me. Let's fix this."
" I'm gonna be watching every move you make."
" Fine. Sounds about right to me."
" Cas, clean him up." Cas healed him, I looked at Dean," Alright, if we're gonna figure out what happened to your soul, we need to find who yanked you out. You say you don't know."
" No idea."
" Then we start a list. If it's so hard to spring someone out of the box, then who's got that kind of muscle?"
Cas said" I don't know. You have no memory of your resurrection?"
Sam said" I woke up in a field. That's all I got."
" No clues? None?"
" I've got one." I moved my glare to Sam, Campbell. Meanie.
I said" No. No way! I hate it there!"
Dean said" We're going. You, pipsqueak, are with us because you had the biggest outburst I've seen from you, you broke metal."
" You were gonna kill him!"
" Get your bag and get in the damn car, River." I glared at him, the lights blew out, I grabbed my bag and waited by the door for them.

We walked into the place, I was latched onto Dean's arm,
Dean said" Gramps throw a barbecue and leave us off the e-vite list?"
Christian said" Sam." He hugged Sam, then looked at Dean and me," Dean."
" Hello, Newman. Where's the man?" He pointed back, we walked off.

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