Chapter 18

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I was upside down in the seat, waiting for Sam and Dean, they were in a comic shop, they came out with a bunch of books.
I said" What're those?" Dean was about to put them back with me, Sam stopped him, then stared at him.
Dean said" Yeah, he can read now, can't he?" Sam hummed, Sam took the books from him and put them between his feet.
" Uh... what?"
" Nothing, bud. Uh, here." He handed me a comic,
" Ooh, Captain America!" I grabbed it from him and grabbed my bag, I looked at the pages," Bucky!"

We were in a motel room, Dean was looking at the books they bought, which they bribed me to stay out of it.
Dean said" This is freakin' insane. How's this guy know all this stuff?"
Sam said" You got me."
" Everything is in here- I mean everything.  From the racist truck to-to me having sex. I'm full-frontal in here, dude. How come we haven't heard of them before?"
" They're pretty obscure. I mean, almost zero circulation." Dean sat next to Sam, I was on Sam's bed," Uh, started in '05. The  publisher put out a couple dozen before going bankrupt. And, uh, the last one- No Rest For The Wicked- ends with you going to hell."
" I reiterate- freakin' insane. Check it out. There's actually fans. Not many, but still, did you read this?"
" Yeah. Although for fans, they sure do complain a lot. Listen to this- Simpatico says The demon story line is trite, clichéd, and overall craptastic. Yeah, well, screw you, Simpatico. We lived it."
" Yeah. Well, keep on reading. It gets better."
" There are Sam Girls and Dean Girls and- What's a slash fan?"
" As in... Sam/Dean. Together."
" Like, together together?"
" Yeah." I tilted my head,
" They do know we're brothers, right?"
" Doesn't seem to matter."
" Oh, come on. That... that's just sick. We got to find this Carver Edlund."
" Yeah, that might not be so easy."
" Why not?"
" No tax records, no known address. Looks like Carver Edlund is a pen name."
" Somebody's got to know who he is."
I said" What's slash-"
Sam and Dean said" Adult things." I tilted my head,
Dean said" I'll pay you, name your price, kiddo?"
I screamed" Fruit by the foot!" They chuckled," The tattoo ones though!"
Sam said" Tattoo fruit by the foot, it is." I smiled,
Dean said" He drives such a hard bargain. I think he's actually using that head of his for once."
I said" I'm smarter than you, big head."
" Big head?" I gulped, I smiled," I thought we agreed on gigantor over here being big head."
Sam said" Thanks, Dean." Dean raised his eyebrow at me,
I said" Fine, you can be dummy." Dean walked over to me, I smiled, then tried to run away but he caught me and slammed me down onto the bed. I laughed, as he started tickling me, I instantly started squirming around. I laughed," Noo! Noo! Deeannn! Ahahhahahahaha! Sammy, help! Nooo! Deeee! Ahahahaha!" He kept tickling me, then he pinned me down, I yelped," No! Stop! Stop! Dean!" I gasped for air,
" Dean, stop!" Dean stopped, letting go of me, I breathed heavily, I pulled my knees to my chest.
Dean said" River, buddy, you okay?" He grabbed my face, making me look at him, I nodded." River?"
I mumbled" No pinning... No, no, pinning."
" Okay, no more pinning. Can I ask why?" I looked at him with scared eyes," One of your memories, huh?" I nodded," Okay, no more pinning. You just gotta tell me these things, okay?" I nodded again, then stretched my arms out, he pulled me up, I wrapped my arms around his neck." How about you try and get some normal... ish sleep, huh?" I nodded, he sat back down, I laid my head on his shoulder, starting to doze off.
Sam whispered" He's still shaken up."
Dean whispered" Yeah, I know."
We pulled up to this house, I went to get out, but Sam and Dean looked at me, I huffed then slumped against the seat.

Soon they came back with the guy, Chuck, I got out, and held Dean's jacket.
Chuck said" Are those real guns?"
Dean said" Yup. And this is real rock salt and these are real fake IDs."
" Well, I got to hand it to you guys. You really are my number one fans. That's awesome. So, I-I think I've got some posters in the house."
" Chuck, stop."
" Please, don't hurt me."
Sam said" How much do you know? Do you know about the angels? Or Lilith breaking the seals?"
" Wait a minute. How do you know about that?"
Dean said" The question is, how do you?"
" 'Cause I wrote it."
Sam said" You kept writing?"
" Yeah, even after the publisher went bankrupt, but those books never came out." He chuckled," Okay, wait a minute. This is some kind of joke, right? Did that- Did Phil put you up to this?"
Dean said" Well, nice to meet you. I'm Dean Winchester, and these are my brothers, Sam and River."
" The last names were never in the books. I never told anybody about that. I never even wrote that down."

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