Chapter 38

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I was jumping back and forth on the beds, Sam was watching tv, Dean walked in.
Dean said" What are you watching?"
Sam said" Just trying to catch up. So Mel Gibson really took a turn this past year, huh?" Dean threw him food, Sam caught it then threw one to me, I caught it and sat down in the middle of the bed.
" Or he's possessed. Seriously, think about it. So I just got off the blower with Bobby."
" Oh, yeah? He got anything else on this, uh, Mother of All thing?"
" Uh, no, nothing solid. He says it's quiet."
" Quiet like quiet, or quiet like too quiet?"
" When is it ever just quiet?"
" Right. Hm."
" What?" Sam tossed Dean his phone, Dean looked at it," What are these, coordinates? Who's it from?"
" I have no idea."

Sam searched up the coordinates, Dean walked out of the bathroom.
He said" Well?"
Sam said" Uh, Bristol, Rhode Island... where three women disappeared in the last week. Apparently, the, uh, victims seemed to vanish into thin air."
" Could be something. Who's the text from?"
" I don't know. It just kept ringing."
" What's that about?"
" Could be another hunter, looking for backup, throwing us a case. Who knows how many hunters I met working with the Campbells, you know? But I think we should go."
" Oh, wait, we're just gonna drop everything?"
" Dude, two minutes ago, you weren't doing anything."
" You got mysterious coordinates... from a mysterious Mr. X, leading to a mysterious town? That doesn't throw up red flags to you?"
" I don't know. Maybe. But that doesn't mean we can just ignore a bunch of missing girls. Right?"
" Okay. We'll check it out. But if things get squirrelly, we dump out, okay?"
" Yeah."

We got to Bristol, Sam looked at the sign weird, I don't like this! This is too much of a risk.
Dean said" What?"
Sam said" Nothing."
I was squirming next to Dean,
Dean said" Well, freak's got a type. Brunettes. Oh. This one's got a little bit of a wild side." He showed Sam the picture of the woman," It's all in the eyes, Sam. See it?" I tilted my head, looking at him then Sam,
Sam said" All right, aside from your little deep insight there, these women have nothing in common. Different jobs, different friends, different everything. So, what's the connection?"
" I don't know, won't you figure you that out. I'm gonna go hit the poop deck." I giggled but followed him, squirming more as I moved." Come on, potty dance."
I said" Bite me." And got ahead of him, running in, he chuckled, and closed the door.

We walked out of the bathroom, Dean stopped and looked at a bulletin board filled with pictures. Then I saw one with Sam in, I looked at Dean, he was here during his soulless year.
I mumbled" Dean..."
Dean said" Go to the car, Riv. We'll be right there." I gulped but headed for door, I pushed it open and ran to the car. I looked across the street, kids were trying to get a kite out of a tree. I stared at the kite, then slowly moved my sight down, the kite went out of the tree and onto the ground. I giggled then leaned against the car, Sam and Dean came out after a few minutes.

Dean said" Hey, come on. Hop to, would you?"
Sam said" We can't go, Dean."
" Uh, yeah, we can."
" Five guys went missing a year ago. They never found the bodies. I mean, that's gotta be the job me and Samuel worked, right?"
" What difference does it make?"
" A year ago, five guys go missing... and now suddenly all these women go missing. Something's here. So either we just didn't stop it... or we only thought we did."
" Okay. But why the gender bend, huh? First it's dudes, now it's chicks? That's a totally different MO."
" I don't know. The point is, something's still here."
" Great, call Bobby. He can deal with it."
" Why? We can deal with it."
" Are you serious?"
" Ugh."
" Sam, there is a reason that hunters don't hit the same town over again. Because we have a habit of leaving messes behind."
" Right. I agree."
" One of Dad's rules: You never use the same crapper twice."
" Everyone uses the same crapper twice."
" Not us. You know what I mean."
" Okay, look. This creature is still walking around because of me, right? I mean, I let it go. Dad also said you finish what you start. Okay, I get it."
" Do you?"
" Yes. You're afraid I'll stroll down memory lane... and I'll kick this wall in my head so hard, hell comes flooding through, right? And then, all of sudden, I'm some drooling mess on the floor."
" It's not a joke."
" Okay, I know. But listen, what's happening here right now... it's because I messed up somehow in some big way. So every person who gets taken, every person who died, that's on me. I have to stop it. And you'd do the same thing."
" All right. I'll follow up with the brunettes. You see what you get from the cops."
I said" So you're both mega idiots now, got it."
" And the twerp he speaks." I raised my eyebrow, then giggled as his keys raised into the air." Not funny. Give 'em back." They moved as he reached for them, I smiled," You know, bud, instead of using your abilities to annoy me... maybe they could actually be of use."
" This is funner!"
Sam said" I'm fine, Riv. You're a kid, stop being overprotective."
" Well, I died, came back, then was abandoned by my only family at a strangers... and then forced to go to the 2nd worst place I've ever been- School. Butt out."
" Got it." Dean reached for the keys again but they moved, he glared at me.
Dean said" Come on, you asshole, give the keys back." The keys dropped as I stared at him,
" Come on... Dean, seriously?" My lip shook,
" Hold on, Riv, I-" I moved Rexxy to me and ran into the other room, I got behind couch and held Rexxy on my lap as I pulled my knees up and covered my head with my arms.
" He's a kid, Dean, and he's scared."
" It slipped, I didn't mean to. Riv-" I whined, the room shook,
" Hey, let's just uh... get dressed and go, okay? He'll be okay. I don't think he wants to talk right now."
" Fine." The room stopped shaking, I squeezed my eyes shut.

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