Chapter 14

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I woke up when Dean moved and I slid off the bed, I hit the ground.
Sam said" A guy beat his wife's brains out with a meat tenderizer."
Dean said" Yikes."
" And get this- Third local inside two months to gank his wife. No priors on any of them, all happily married."
" Sounds like Ozzie and Harriet."
" More like The Shining."
" All right, well, I guess we better have a look." I stayed on the floor," Your turn." My ankles were grabbed and I was pulled back, I smiled at Sam.
" Want help?"
I said" Yeah."
" All right." Dean got up and walked to the bathroom, Sam pulled me up by my feet, I laughed as I hit the bed. I sat up," How'd you end up on the floor?"
" Dean takes up the whole bed." Sam scoffed,
Dean said" No, I don't."
Sam said" I'm pretty sure you were half way sprawled over Dean."
I said" So?"
" Whatever, little man. Go find some clothes."
" Whatever I wanna wear?" I smiled, looking at him,
" Your shirt, your pants, your shoes..." I smiled," Your socks. And... I can't control if you wear one of our flannels because you'd just ignore me."
" Hey! You are smart!" I dodged his hand and ran to my bag, I smiled and giggled as he groaned.
They bribed me. My brothers bribed me to stay in the motel room while they went to investigate. I got three chocolate bars and gummi worms out of it. I walked to my bag and pulled out my new stuffed animal, he's a dinosaur, his name is Rexxy.
I said" So, Rexxy, what can we do for fun?" I stared at him," Nothing... great." I huffed and fell onto the bed with him in my arms. I snuggled him," It's scary without Sammy and Dean. They protect me... even when I can protect myself, I'm not a little kid anymore. But they protect me from the nightmares, and I can't do that on my own. Hell was very scary, I can't get it out of my head." I sighed, then rolled over, holding him with one arm as I crawled up the bed. I yawned," I don't get a lot of sleep... the nightmares keep me up a lot, it's scary to sleep when I know I'll just go into a nightmare... replay all the scary stuff that happened." I put him down and jumped off the bed, I walked to the other bed and grabbed the gummi worms. I ate one, then took the bag between my teeth and crawled back onto the bed. I sat next to Rexxy and began eating my candy, bored... really, really bored.

It was nighttime, I was pacing, the door opened, I saw my brothers, Dean held up a bag of food and smiled. I pouted, they both sighed, Sam walked over and lifted me up,
He said" We gotta work on better apologies, huh?"
I mumbled" No kidding."
Dean said" We've got a theory, a siren."
" An evil mermaid?"
" Yeah, kinda. Burger and fries? We forgiven?"
" Not even close." He clicked his teeth but handed me the bag,
" Huh, got your weird stuffed animal out, huh?"
" His name is Rexxy."
" Got it, Rexxy. Good to know. Couldn't of come up with anything more creative?"
" What about Big Brother Eater?"
" Oh, you are grumpy today, aren't you?"
Sam said" Dean..."
" Yeah, I know. Can we drug him yet?"
" For the last time, Dean, we're not drugging our kid brother."
" It'll be a safe dose."
" No."
" He needs sleep."
" Naturally." I began eating," Not drug induced."
" Plenty of parents probably do it."
" We're not drugging River."
" One pill."
" No."
" One shot of sleeping-"
" No, and that's definitely not a safe dosage."
" What about just a few sips of-"
" We're also not getting him drunk, and I don't want to know if you ever have." Dean made that face, Sam groaned and walked away from him,
" What?!"
" No, I'm not having a conversation about this while he's awake."
" It wasn't bad."
" I don't care." Sam pulled out a comic book," Sweeten the bribe?" I giggled and nodded my head," Great, River!" He ruffled my hair, then sighed," I'm on brush duty, aren't I?"
I said" You tangle the curls, you gotta brush 'em out."
" How about a hair cut?"
" Rexxy is a man eater." He chuckled, then smiled,
" Got it. No hair cut."
Dean said" Yeah, good luck trying to get his hair cut, he's like you."
Dean was staring at Sam's phone, then he picked it up, he pressed a number then put it down. He made a not-so-good face, uh-oh, what's Sam doing? The door unlocked, Sam came in,
He said" Lenny Bristol was definitely another siren vic."
Dean said" You got in to see him?"
" Yep. Said he brought a stripper home named Belle. Couple hours later, he offed his mother. Belle, of course, went MIA."
" Wait. He killed his mom?"
" Woman he was closest to." Sam's phone started ringing,
" Yeah, you, uh... forgot your cellphone." Dean stood up, tossing Sam his phone, Sam sat down, answering.
" Hey, Bobby. Uh, no, and doesn't seem like she's slowing down any. What about you? Got anything? Oh, hold on a sec. I'm gonna put you on speaker." He put his phone on speaker,
Bobby said" It says you need a bronze dagger covered in the blood of a sailor under the spell of the song."
Dean said" What the hell does that mean?"
" You got me. We're dealing with 3,000 years of the telephone game here."
Sam said" Best guess?"
" Well, the siren's spell ain't got nothing to do with any song. It's most likely some kind of toxin or venom. Something she gets in the vics' blood."
" That makes them go all manchurian candidate. Uh, what do you think? She infects the men during sex?"
" Maybe."
Dean said" Supernatural STD."
" Well, however it happens, once it's done, the siren's got to watch her back. If she gets a dose of her own medicine..."
Sam said" It kills her."
" Like a snake getting iced by its own venom."
Dean said" So we just got to find a way to juice one of the OJs in jail?"
" It's not that easy. None of those guys are under the spell anymore. Haven't got a clue where you're gonna get the blood you need."
Sam said" I think I might have an idea."
" Be careful. These things are tricky bitches. Wrap you up in knots before you know what hit you."

They left, again... I huffed, then held Rexxy against me, I crawled off the bed and walked to the table. I grabbed the new comic book, I walked to the bed again and crawled on. I sat criss-cross, staring at the comic book pictures, I tilted my head, holding Rexxy with one arm.

I was trying to keep my eyes open, to stay awake, but I'm really, really sleepy, and I can't keep my eyes open anymore. My eyes shut, I tried to open them, but I couldn't, I held Rexxy closer and dug my head under a pillow.

I woke up to a loud thud, I whined,
I heard Sam say" Shh, shh, you're okay, you're okay, go back to sleep, buddy." I sat up, rubbing my eyes," Sorry." He sat next to me and kissed my head," Have a nightmare?"
I mumbled" I was on really big fishing hooks on fire..." I laid my head on his arm, whimpering," It's scary, Sammy, they won't go away."
" I know, buddy. Remember, you're topside, and even if they are really, really terrifying, it's just nightmares, they can't hurt you. Physically anyways. How about I change and we go get ice cream?" I smiled, nodding quickly," Chocolate or strawberry?"
" Strawberry and chocolate."
" 2 scoops?" I nodded," I'll let you get 2 scoops, if you share?"
" Okay!" He got up, walking to his bag, he clicked his teeth,
" And sharing means more than one spoonful."
" Oh, man! That's unfair!"
" I think that's totally fair, Riv."

We were walking down the hallway to the motel room, I had a bad feeling, a really bad feeling. Sam opened the door, I saw a man,
Sam said" Nick, what are you doing here?" Then Sam was grabbed, Dean had him with a knife to his throat." Dean! I got to tell you, you're one butt-ugly stripper."
The man said" Well, maybe. But I got exactly what I wanted. I got Dean." I got mad, I was staring at the guy,
" Dean, come on, man. This isn't you. You can fight this. Let me go."
I said" Dean!"
Nick said" Why don't you cut him, just a little on his neck right there?" Dean cut Sam's neck," Dean's all mine." I got angry, I felt the ground shake,
Sam said" You poisoned him."
" No, I gave him what he needed. And it wasn't some bitch in a g-string. It was you. A little brother that looked up to him that he could trust. And now he loves me. He'd do anything for me. And I got to tell you, Sam, that kind of devotion- watching someone kill for you... is the best feeling in the world."
" Is that why you're slutting all over town?"
" Oh. I get bored. Like we all do. And I want to fall in love again and again and again."
" Tell you what, I have fought some nasty sons of bitches, but you are one needy, pathetic loser."
" You won't feel that way in a minute." Then he couldn't move, his hand was reached for Sam.
I said" Leave my brothers alone, jerk!" Sam tried to look at me," I said leave them alone!" I ran and pushed the man, he stumbled, but didn't go far, he turned to me.
" Who's this?"
" Leave my brothers alone."
" Why can't I see who you need?" He grabbed my arm, I tried to yank it out of his grip, but couldn't, he threw me into the wall. I hit the ground, grabbing my head,
I heard Sam say" No, no."
" So, I know you two have a lot you want to get off your chests. So why don't you discuss it... and whoever survives can be with me forever?" I saw Dean step away from the door, I ran to the door and opened it, slipping out the small crack. I ran down the hall, breathing heavily, I don't know what to do!

I ran into someone, I looked up and saw Bobby,
I said" Great timing! They're gonna kill each other!" I jumped up, and grabbed his hand, running,
Bobby said" Dean?"
" And Sammy!" I froze as I saw Dean with an axe over Sammy, Bobby ran and grabbed the axe, he stabbed Dean with a dagger. The siren ran, I stared at him, the ground shook more, he froze, Bobby walked to the hallway.
Sam said" No, no!" Bobby threw the dagger and it stabbed the siren in the back. The siren went in front of a mirror, and it's true form was scary looking, I whimpered. It dropped, I saw Sam and Dean look at each other, I wiped my nose, it was bleeding, weird.
Bobby handed me a bottle,
Dean said" Soda?"
Bobby said" You boys are driving, ain't ya?" I yawned, then held out the bottle to Dean, Dean opened it and gave it back, I took a sip.
Sam said" Thanks, Bobby. You know, you-you hadn't shown up when you did-"
" Done the same for me, more than once. Of course, you could have picked up a phone. Only took one call to figure out that Agent Nick Monroe wasn't real." They stayed silent," You boys gonna be okay?"
" Yeah, fine."
Dean said" Yeah, good."
Bobby said" See ya." He turned to us again," You know, those sirens are nasty things. That it got to you- that's no reason to feel bad." He got into his car and drove away.
" You gonna say goodbye to Cara?"
Sam said" Nah. Not interested."
" Really? Why not?"
" What's the point?"
" Well, look at you. Love 'em and leave 'em."
" Dean, look, you know I didn't mean the things I said back there, right? That it was just the siren's spell talking?"
" Of course. Me too."
" Okay. So-So we're good?"
" Yeah, we're good." Dean walked to the driver's side, and got in, Sam opened my door, I got in, he closed the door, and got in.

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