Chapter 3

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I was watching people torture other people, then I saw two guards, I gasped. I crawled backwards, and started making my way through the tunnels I found. I climbed down a hole and landed on my butt, I huffed then stood up and started running. I tripped and hit the ground hard, I yelped on accident. I heard people yelling at me, then I was grabbed, I saw two demons, I gulped, staring at them. One punched me, I screamed in pain, the other started to drag me away, back to the chains...

I screamed, crying, I fell, I sat up, rubbing my head. Then I noticed the silence. I rubbed my eyes, blinking away the new tears, the room was empty. I breathed heavily, the ground started shaking, then the angel showed up. I screamed and backed myself into a corner, where's my brothers?! Where's Sammy and Dean?! The angel crouched down, I pulled my knees to my chest, sniffling, the ground was still shaking. He squinted his eyes,
He said" How are you causing the ground to shake?" I tilted my head, huh?
I said" Where's my brothers?!"
" Dean is in Lawrence, Kansas. Year 1973. Sam... is well, you're far too young to understand."
" 1973?!"
" I took him back." I gulped," I will bring him back, you have no need to worry."
" I'm a 7 year old in a motel room at night alone! I have all the need to worry! And I'm scared..." I breathed heavily, starting to cry," And-And-And I want my big brother! And I want-want to not be alone! I-I-I want Dean!" I sobbed, starting to cough and my stomach started hurting. The ground started really shaking, I screamed and jumped onto the bed, sobbing as I inclosed myself under the covers. I sniffled... after a while the shaking stopped, I sighed, and held my head, squeezing my eyes shut as it started hurting. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. I pulled my knees up, laying on my side, I tucked my face between my knees and chest, holding onto my knees tightly. I just want my brothers... I want to be held, I sniffled, then started crying again, I couldn't control it. 

I haven't moved, and my eyes hurt, and my nose is runny, and I'm just staring at the cover. I heard movement outside my safety,
I heard Dean say" I couldn't stop any of it. She still made the deal. She still died in the nursery, didn't she?"
I heard Castiel say" Don't be too hard on yourself. You couldn't have stopped it."
" What?"
" Destiny can't be changed, Dean. All roads lead to the same destination."
" Then why'd you send me back?"
" For the truth. Now you know everything we do."
" What the hell are you talking about? Where's Sam?"
" We know what Azazel did to your brother. What we don't know is why- what his endgame is. He went to great lengths to cover that up."
" Where's Sam?"
" 425 Waterman. Your brother is headed down a dangerous road, Dean. And we're not sure where it leads. So stop it. Or we will." The cover was pulled from my fists, and I was lifted up, I clung to Dean, instantly.

I heard Dean say" River, you okay, buddy?" I just nuzzled my face into his side more," River, come on, tell me what's happening in that little head of yours?"
I said" Nightmare. Gone. Scared."
" Wanna be a little more descriptive, buddy? You're covered in snot and your eyes are redder than a tomato. I need more than three words."
" I screamed waking up and no one was there!"
" River, how many times am I gonna have to go over this? You're not dreaming, buddy, this is all real, I'm not leaving- Oh, damn. Wait, Riv, I didn't mean to..." My lip shook again and I crawled into the backseat, curling up. He mumbled" Leave you... alone." I closed my eyes.

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