Chapter 52

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We were watching the news, Chet gave us that,
The newscaster said" The two men, who up until today were presumed dead, locked the doors and opened fire, leaving no survivors. Sam and Dean Winchester are now the subjects of a manhunt throughout the stare of California." Bobby turned off the tv,
He said" Busy morning, you two?"
Dean said" Those sons of bitches xeroxed us."
Sam said" But I don't understand how."
Bobby said" I don't know. Maybe one of 'em touched you at the hospital."
Chet yelled" It was the hair! Not too hard to life some DNA out of a motel shower drain, guy!"
Dean said" You can copy people like that? Awesome. Well, what is their plan, exactly?"
Sam said" Squeeze us. Turn us into the most wanted men in America."
" All right. Well, that settles it. We find these ass monkeys, and we kill them ourselves."
Bobby said" Wait a sec. Every form of law enforcement in the country has seen your ugly mugs this morning."
" Exactly. So what's the point in trying to hide?"
" Better than sticking your fool neck out. These things are smarter than you."
Sam said" Geez, Bobby, don't sugarcoat it."
" You don't have a clue how to kill 'em or slow 'em down, and your plan is, what? Go right at 'em? Genius."
Dean said" They're wearing our faces, Bobby. This is personal."
Sam said" I'm with Dean here."
Bobby said" Well, if you're gonna be stupid, you might as well be smart about it. You need to see a fella named Frank Devereaux."
" Who's he?"
" He's a jackass and a lunatic, but he owes me one, from back in Port Huron." He handed Dean a piece of paper," In the meantime, I'll keep working on Chatty Cathy here, see if I can figure out what makes him die."

I said" You guys are dumb!"
Dean said" We gotta do this, River."
" No, you want to do this."
" That too."
" I'm coming with you."
" No, no way."
" What?! Why not?"
Sam said" Because how are you gonna get away if the cops find us?"
" I'll blast 'em!"
" You won't blast them."
" I'll do s'thing."
Dean said" River, if you're caught with us, there's nothing we can do. I ain't risking that." I huffed but nodded," We'll be back in a few days, don't worry." I glared at him," Fine, worry all you want. Help Bobby, see if you can blast it." I nodded my head, they walked out, I sighed, this is too risky.
Bobby shot Chet with a shotgun, close rang,
Chet said" Whoo! Do it again! Come on, do it again! So you're just gonna touch me in the morning, then just walk away?"
Bobby said" Are you still talkin'?"
" Aren't you sick of this yet?"
" You bleed. Black... snot, sure, but you bleed, you can die."
" Sure, sport, whatever you say. Try the acid again, why don't you? Poor sap. You're stumped." I got angry, my eyes glowed,
" Give it a rest, mouthy."
" How long you think these'll hold once the spell wears off, hmm? Tick tock, old man. I'm gonna really enjoy eating you, right down to that hat."
" I said shut up."
" And then I'm gonna eat everyone... you ever said hello to." Bobby sliced off his head, and it... worked?
" Hot damn. Well, that's somethin'."
I said" Is it... permanent?"
" We'll have to see."
" Great. Awesome." I got up and climbed up the stairs, running to the fridge, I rummaged through it. I pushed past all the beer bottles and found my sodas, that Dean's definitely been into, hey! He's such a freakin jerk! I grabbed one and opened it, taking a sip.

There was a knock at the door, I looked at Bobby then ran to the bathroom, hiding behind the wall. I peeked out, Bobby grabbed a gun and walked to the door,
He said" What the..." He opened the door, I saw Jody Mills, she's the woman Bobby got from the hospital." What the hell are you doing here?"
She said" You're all charm, Bobby."
" So my therapist keeps telling me. How'd you find me?"
" I'm a cop, remember? You gonna invite me in?"
" Well, you may not want me to. I got one of the big mouths downstairs."
" So I won't go downstairs." She walked in, Bobby closed the door." I, uh... I wanted to come thank you."
" Thank me?"
" Well, yeah... seeing as they were fresh out of thanks for saving me from liver-eating surgeon cards at the store."
" Oh, that. Just doing my job, which nobody pays me for."
" Right. How you doing, Bobby?"
" I'm fine. Every day is a gift."
" Your house just burned down."
" As you can see, I got a roof over me."
" Bobby! Let someone be nice to you for five minutes?"
" Okay. But not too nice. I can't be going soft."
" 'Course not. I can cook. Ish. You know? Why don't you let me make you something? Maybe put this new place of yours in some kind of order. Come on. I owe you that much."
" Okay. Thanks, Sheriff." I focused on Bobby's hat, making it slightly move up and down." You can come out, River." I stopped and came out, wiping blood from my nose.
" River?" I walked out, she turned and saw me,
" Sam and Dean's little brother." I yawned,
I said" Hi."
She said" Hi, River, I'm Jody." I smiled at her then ran to my bed, jumping onto it and rolling off the other end. The wall hit my head, I grunted then got up, shaking my head before sitting on the bed." Is he.."
Bobby said" He's tougher than he looks."

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