Chapter 37

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Cas was checking Sam's soul, he walked out, Sam's still out. I'm technically not supposed to be down here but I really don't care what Dean says.
Dean said" Well?"
Cas said" His soul is in place."
" Is he ever gonna wake up?"
" I'm not a human doctor, Dean."
" Could you take a guess?"
" Okay. Probably not."
" Oh, well, don't sugarcoat it."
" I'm sorry, Dean. But I warned you not to put that thing back inside him."
" What was I supposed to do? Let T-1000 walk around, hope he doesn't open fire?"
" Let me tell you what his soul felt like when I touched it. Like it had been skinned alive, Dean. If you wanted to kill your brother, you should have done it outright." I breathed heavily, the ground shook for a second before I bolted upstairs. I slid behind the couch, pulling my knees up to my chest, gulping. Sammy's gotta be okay.

I heard a thud of a chair, then liquid go into glass,
Bobby said" Like my daddy always said, Just because it kills your liver... don't mean it ain't medicine. Sam still asleep?"
Dean said" Yeah."
" He'll wake up."
" Yeah."
" Dean, he's been through how much? Somehow he always bounces back."
" He's never been through this. Job?"
" Might be."
" Can I help? Send me to the library? Anything?"
" Couple goes up in a light plan. Wreckage was just found in the woods."
" Couple of Buddy Hollys doesn't really seem like News of the Weird."
" Pilot was found 17 miles away, flambéed. Girl's just gone. No body, no nothing." I crawled out from behind the couch, and sat on the couch.
" Okay, I'm not changing the channel."
Sam said" Dean." I turned my head to look at him,
" Sam?" He stood up," Are you-" Sam hugged him, then Sam hugged Bobby.
Bobby said" Good to see ya."
Sam said" Wait. I saw- I felt Lucifer snap your neck." I walked to Dean, oh, no, oh, no, no, no!
" Well, Cas kind of-"
" Cas is alive?" He doesn't remember... anything... oh, this isn't good, this is really really bad.
Dean said" Yeah, Cas is fine. Sam, are you okay?"
" Actually, um... I'm starving." I looked at Dean, what are we supposed to do? Can- We... I'm confused. I walked to Sam and wrapped my arms around his stomach, I squeezed tightly, attaching myself to him quickly.

Sam was eating,
Dean said" So, Sam?"
Sam said" Yeah."
" What's the last thing you remember?"
" The field, and then I fell."
" Okay, and then?"
" Um, I woke up in the panic room."
Bobby said" That's it? You really don't remember-"
Dean said" Let's be glad. Who wants to remember all that hell?" Are we gonna... are we gonna tell him? What about the wall? Is this because of the wall?
Sam said" Well, how long was I gone?"
" About a year and a half."
" What? I was downstairs- I don't remember anything. So how'd I get back? Was it Cas?" I looked at Dean,
" Not exactly."
" Dean, what did you do?"
" Me and Death-"
" Death? The horseman?"
" I had leverage. It's done."
" You sure?"
" It's over. Slate's wiped."
Bobby said" Well, isn't this just neat and clean?"
" Yes, it is, for once." Bobby and Dean stared at each other,
Sam said" Is there anything else I should know?" Dean looked at Sam, I looked at Dean,
" No. Another beer?"
" Uh, yeah." So we're lying. Got it. Oh, Sam's not gonna be happy when he finds out we're lying about... a lot. A lot. A lot. Like 10x a lot.

Bobby said" Sam still asleep?"
Dean said" Yeah, let him rest. We'll call him later."
Sam said" Call me from where?" I turned and saw Sam,
" Oh. Uh, there's this thing in Oregon."
" Great. I'm in."
" Whoa, whoa, you just got vertical."
" Exactly. I'm up. I'm good."
" A few more days of crap cable couldn't hurt."
" Right, because that's what you did when you got back from hell." He's got a point, a really good point.
" All right. You, me, River and Bobby."
Bobby said" Oh, you three go on ahead. You got this covered. I, uh, forgot I promised that idjit Rufus I'd work the phones for him, so..."
" You sure?"
" Yeah, yeah, yeah. You three enjoy catching up, okay?" He walked away,
Sam said" What was that?"
Dean said" One part age, three parts liquor." I got into the backseat, they got into the front.

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