"O'Malley! Take that." Bailey demands. Everyone's pagers start beeping.

"Denny Duquette." Alex says. "I got it." Izzie says.

"He's my patient." Alex protests.

"He's both your patients. Answer the call." Bailey has.

"Two incoming." A nurse says.

"Ok, uh, Yang, first one's yours. Grey, Jensen, take number two." Bailey instructs the women.

Meredith and Evi move towards the second ambulance. "Nikki Ratlin, 30, erratic BP in the field. Complaining of chest and leg pain." The paramedic announces to the girls.

"What happened?" Meredith asks.

"I got struck by lightning." Nikki says.

"Can anyone spell coincidence?" Cristina asks.


"My horoscope said, "Stay close to home today." Aries couldn't have been any clearer. Ok, I guess it could have said, "Don't leave the house today unless you want to get struck by lightning." Ouch." Nikki rants.

"See, Ms. Ratlin, you have no sign of wounds from lightning." Bailey says to Nikki.

"It was a sign. Clearly getting struck by lightning is a sign. I sign that I shouldn't have left my house." Nikki says.

"Nikki, normally people struck by lightning have a wound where the bolt entered and exited the body." Evi says.

"Well...well, I wasn't struck struck. The tree was struck and it fell on me."

"A tree fell on you?" Meredith asks.

"A big, like, branch or limb, Whatever. Same difference." She brushes off.

Bailey scribbles on the paper that she had been writing on and crumbles it up. "No, actually, medically, it isn't the same difference. And it would be helpful if from now on you told us the whole truth." She says to Nikki.

"You want to know the truth? My boyfriend loves that tree. He's totally going to freak out. Ow."


Meredith, Evi and Cristina are in the elevator with their patients.

"I got hot chocolated. The She-Shepherd hot chocolated me. It's her juju." Meredith says in disbelief.

"I don't like people who say juju." Evi says scrunching her eyebrows.

"I say juju." Nikki says.

"And look where it got you." Evi says back.

"Juju, juju, juju. Juju, juju, juju. Juju, juju, juju." Jesse says.

"I didn't drink it." Meredith says.

"I did." Evi says. "It was pretty good."

"Juju, juju, juju."

"You're not obligated to honor someone else's juju." Nikki says.

"Juju, juju, juju."

"Thought you were being friends." Cristina says.

"Juju, juju, juju."

"I am. With him. Do I have to be friends with her too?" Meredith complains.

"By proxy, yes." Evi says with a shrug.

"Juju, juju, juju."

"Definitely not." Nikki says.

"Juju, juju, juju."

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