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"Ew!" Evi exclaims as a bird poops on her French toast. "Come on!" She groans.

"Oh! Crap!" Evi hears from a little ways away. "Sheesh!"

Evi pouts and throws her French toast in the trash. "Now what am I gonna eat?" She asks Fletcher.

"We'll get you something else. Come on." He says taking her hand.

Fletcher and Evi walk away from where they were standing. Almost instantly a loud thump can be heard. They turn around and a man is on the ground.


Bailey and some other doctors along with George and a Evi are with the guy named Stu who fell, lying on a hospital bed.

"Window washer. Fell from fifth floor scaffolding. Obvious open tib/fib fracture but otherwise okay." Bailey says.

"Equal breast sounds. After a 5 storey fall he's got equal breast sounds!" George gushes. Cristina walks into the room up to Bailey. "This is unbelievable! Do you wanna hear?" George continues.

"Some how I believe you. Yang, get in there and palpate his abdomen." Bailey says.

"Does this hurt anywhere?" Cristina asks.

"No." The patient says.

"You fell from the sky. 5 stories. And you only injured your leg." George says.

"George." Evi scolds.

"No. Don't George me. A few seconds there ago he would've landed on me." George says.

"Ok rolling on three please. 1, 2, 3." Cristina says rolling her eyes. A bunch of doctors lift Stu onto his side. There are splattered feathers on his back as well as dried blood.

"Oh." Bailey says.

"Are these feathers?" Cristina says.

"My life was saved by that pigeon." George says.

"Let's get some x-rays. And after that you might want to get in there and look for the rest of Tweety." Bailey says.

George picks up a feather, looks at and whispers. "Thank you."


Stu was lying on his stomach. Evi and George were removing bits of the splattered pigeon from Stu's back.

"Beak?" He asks

"Claw." They both say.

"We need to widen this incision to take a better look." Evi says.

"Alright." George says. He bends down close to Stu and speaks softly. "Does your leg hurt a lot?"

"I'm fine man. Just ... do your thing."

George goes back briefly to removing feathers but then leans back down.

"Is there anyone you'd like me to call?"

"What for?"

"You fell 5 stories and lived to tell about it. I'd kinda wanna shout it from the roof tops." Evi gives him a look. "So to speak. It's a miracle! You may not understand the medicine of it but a 5 story fall, your lungs should be collapsed, your back should be broken, your aorta should be totally severed-"

"George, enough!" Evi whisper-yells at George.

"I'm just saying there's a reason for this. You lived! We both did. Carpe diem man! Seize the day."

"Any chance you could make him leave?" Stu asks Evi.

"I really, really wish I could."

Bailey enters with some x-rays of Stu's legs. "Mr. Vargas, your lower left leg bones are shattered. We need to get you into surgery." She says.

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