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Callie, George, Evi, Meredith and Izzie are walking from the parking lot to the hospital. "So I was thinking, since you shift ends after mine and I don't want to have to wait around, maybe I should get a copy of the house key." Callie says.

"No. I like leaving together. You don't need a key." George denies.

They arrive at the hospital entrance. Izzie stops walking. "Izzie?" Evi asks.

"I'll see you guys in there." Izzie says.

"Everything's gonna be fine. Bailey is on your side. And the Chief is... He is gonna put on his angry face, but he's on your side too." Meredith says.

"Everybody wants you back in that building." Evi says.

"I know. I know. You guys go ahead, I'll be fine. I'm just gonna take a minute, practice my speech." Izzie says.

"Okay." Meredith says. Evi, Callie, George and Meredith walk into the hospital.


Cristina, Meredith and Evi are walking through the hospital hallways.

"I'm on my knees in a puddle of coffee, and he's lying on the couch playing with himself, you know? And not in a good way." Cristina tells the two of them.

"But he's recovering from surgery, and you've read the studies on recovery and depression in surgical patients." Meredith says.

"Yeah well he's not a patient, he's Preston Burke. He's just milking it. Now he's got me fetching his food and the paper and his slippers like I'm a dog." Cristina says.

The trio reach the elevator. Derek steps out of it, carrying two cups of coffee. "Hey!" He greets Meredith.

"Hi! I had a dream about you last night." Meredith says.

"You did? What was I doing? Bringing you coffee?"

"You were definitely not bringing me coffee. But coffee's good."

"I'm told dating starts with a casual invitation over a cup of coffee."

"Does it?" Evi asks.

"So Meredith, would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight? How was that? Was that casual enough? That was good right?"

"So we're dating."

"We're dating. Pick you up at eight." Derek walks off. The elevator opens again and Finn steps out of it, carrying a paper bag.

"Hey!" Meredith greets.

"I was in the neighbourhood. Actually I wasn't but I decided you were worth the detour." Finn says.

"I had a dream about you last night." Meredith tells making Evi raise her eyebrows.

"Was it a good dream?" Finn asks.

"It was."

"And what was I doing?"

"Yes Mer, what was he doing?" Evi asks.

"What's that?" Finn asks.

"It's for you. It's a coffee cake. Best in the North-West. Figured I'd better soften you up so that when I ask you to dinner tonight you have to say yes."

"Uh, dinner tonight? How about that? Are you free tonight, Meredith?" Cristina asks sharing amused looks with Evi.

"Actually, uh, I'm not free tonight." Meredith says.

"Well how about lunch? I could come here."

"You're volunteering to eat hospital food?"

"I love crappy food."

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