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First, do no harm. As doctors we pledge to live by this oath. But harm happens. Then guilt happens, and there's no oath for how to deal with that.

"Good morning!" Izzie says cheerfully as Evi and George walk into the kitchen.

"I thought we were done with the whole muffin thing." George asks.

"This isn't muffins, it's breakfast. Mer needs a good, solid breakfast. First day back after the big surgery." Izzie says smiling at them both.

"Are you okay?" Meredith asks joining the trio in the kitchen.

"Of course I'm okay... I'm a millionaire. Fruit? What do you guys think about B&B's? I'm thinking about opening B&B in Vermont where the foliage is, you know?" Izzie says.

"Maybe you should go back to bed." Evi says.

"Can't. I'm going to the hospital."

"Are you going to talk to the chief?" Meredith asks.

"Nope. I'm going to clean out my locker. I could buy a hotel. How much do you think a hotel costs?" Izzie pours orange juice spilling it all over her 8.7 million dollar check.

Evi gasps in horror. "Izzie!" Evi scrambles to clean off the check.

"That's eight million... eight million dollars does not like to have juice spilled on it." George says.

"You have to take that to the bank today. It's making me nervous in the house." Meredith says.

"I will. Just as soon as I clean out my locker. I'm fine. Really I'm fine. Denny loved me. He wanted me to have this money; he wants me to be happy. So I'm happy." She plasters on a huge smile. "Juice?"


"She's losing it. She almost battered and deep fried an 8 million dollar check this morning." Meredith says to Cristina.

"That kind of money, I'd buy my own hospital and stock it full of sick people. Vavuloplasties and ruptured aneurisms. Hmm." Cristina says.

"You are a psycho, you know that, right?" Alex says.

"Okay, I'm not the one with an 8 1/2 million dollar check I won't cash."

"Stop talking about me. I'm fine. I'm cleaning out my locker and I'm going home. Mer is the one with the problems." Izzie interjects.

"You haven't told McDreamy that you dumped McVet." Evi reminds Meredith.

"You haven't done that yet?" Cristina asks.

"Dude, tell him already." Alex says.

"She's scared." George says.

"I am not scared. Derek walked away. He walked away. Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe he's happy. He's got Addison here. He's got Mark here. He's got a lot to deal with. And I'm not going to make him feel guilty. I'm being an adult here, and I am not going to drag him into our whole... Izzie is the one with the big check!" Meredith rants.

Guilt never goes anywhere on its own. It brings its friends, doubt and insecurity.


"Am I keeping you O'Malley?" Bailey asks.

George is on his cell calling Callie. "M&M ten in minutes, people."

"We get to go to M&M?" Alex asks.

"Even if we haven't finished our rounds?" Evi asks.

"Even if. I want all of you at the M&M today." Bailey says.

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