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"Okay, sunscreen, your insect repellent, and you're going to need a shovel to bury your poop." Izzie tells George while walking down the stairs.

"Izzie, I'm not five. Zip me, If Callie calls... tell her... I'm a mountain man... man of the wild, right Dr. Burke?" George says looking to Burke.

"Ok, him I invited." Burke comments.

"Izzie baked us treats!" George exclaims.

"Have fun with your... space... or whatever." Evi says a little stunned.


"Derek's camping. Taking time, getting space." Meredith says.

"Prestons do not go into the woods. A guy named Preston is going to get his ass kicked by a squirrel." Cristina inputs.

"It's basically a slumber party. We do it inside, they do it outside. That's the only difference." Evi says.

"Have you seen what's his face?" Mark asks approaching the group.

"Alex Karev." Izzie says.

"Poor bastard seems to get a thrill out of tagging along after me."

"He's camping." Meredith says.

"Well in that case how would you like to get a thrill out of tagging along after me?" Mark asks Meredith.

"Dr. Bailey makes the assignments."

"Dr. Bailey says it's fine. Go. Stevens conference room. You're spending the day with your peer counsellor." Bailey says approaching.

"Is that a shrink? The hospital is already making me see a shrink." Izzie says.

"Stevens, go meet your peer. Get counselled. Exciting procedures on the board today Yang, Jensen."

"Yes, Dr. Bailey... which one would you like us to start with?" Cristina asks.


"Are those monopoly pieces?" Bailey asks in a patient room.

"21 of them to be exact. Mostly houses and hotels. I also swallowed the thimble, the racecar, oh, and the shoe." Eric says.

"Eric and his older brother don't always get along." Eric's mom says.

"He wouldn't let me play monopoly with him and his friends. This way, nobody could play." Eric says.

"Yang, what do you recommend?" Bailey asks.

"Is this even surgical?" Cristina asks.


"Track and inventory the pieces, measure the progress by x-ray. Keep examining the stool."

"Very good. Enjoy." Bailey motions for Evi to follow her.

"Dr. Bailey, isn't this more of a nurses job?" Cristina asks.

"Are you too good to help that boy?"

"Yes." She looks at Bailey's look. "No. Definitely not. I just think I'd me more help if I was assisting in a surgery with you."

"No surgery for you." Bailey says.

"I'm sorry I don't understand."

"I don't understand why you erased my name from the OR board." Bailey says. Evi looks on amused.

"I don't know what..."

"No don't do that. Don't give me that fake confused look. It irritates me. You know exactly what I'm talking about. You erased my name from Burke's humpty dumpty surgery, you know it, I know it. What I don't know is why."

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