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George, Izzie and Evi are in the kitchen.

"Izzie uh...the, the...the...the check. It's not—" He looks around, drops to the floor searching. "It's not...did you drop it? It's not here! Izzie, it's not here."

"I deposited it ok?" Izzie says.

"You didn't deposit it in the garbage disposal or something like that did you?" Evi asks seriously.

"It's at the bank. Ok? Now just shut up about it already?"

"It's at the bank? It's earning interest?" George asks.

"Did I not just say shut up about it already?"

"Izzie, it's real now. That money...that money could travel, it could buy things. It could buy many, many things. It a...that's a lot of money Izzie." George rants.

"Shut up about it George. George: I'm just saying...life is short. Cancer happens. And surgery happens. You know just..."gather ye rosebuds" You have 8.7 million rosebuds Izzie. You gotta spend some rosebuds. That's what I'm saying." George says clapping Izzie with a hand towel.

Izzie looks down to her skillet. "You made me burn my French toast."

"You can buy new French toast!" George says hitting her with the towel again.


"Hey, how's your old man?" Alex asks George, as they sat in the gallery of Heather's surgery.

"His urine output's holding steady. Which is good." George says.

"Have you seen Burke today?" Cristina asks.

"Even if I did like you I still wouldn't tell you that." George says.

Izzie: How can you be ok with Burke but not Cristina?

"Her career wasn't on the line when she lied to me." George says.

"Burke also lied to you." Evi shrugs.

"Why don't you just ask Burke about the hand yourself?" Meredith asks.

"I'm not talking to him. He owes me." Cristina says.


"Oh I don't know." Cristina says.

"So you're together but you don't talk to each other. Wish I could find that in a woman." Alex says.

"Hey how's it going with Addison?" Meredith asks Alex.

"What? Why would you...what do you mean by that?" Alex stammers.

"Laura Grey. Tiny baby." Meredith clarifies.

"Oh Laura. Right. She's doing fine. She's doing well. I gotta get out of gynie though. I gotta get back to Sloan." Alex says.

"What are you plotting and can I get in on it?" Cristina asks Alex.

"Oo, me too." Evi says.

"Shut up." Alex leaves.

"This is my surgery. I should be down there." Izzie says.

George's pager goes off. "No. Excuse me."

Meredith and Evi's pager goes off. "Mr. O'Malley." Evi says quickly standing up.

"911?" Cristina asks.

"Yeah." Meredith says.

"Sucks." Izzie says.


Bailey is at a table with George's family.

"Ok I called the family in because I need to do a procedure on your father to help him breathe." Bailey says.

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