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In life, we are taught that there are seven deadly sins. We all know the big ones: Gluttony, pride, lust.

Cristina, Izzie, Evi and Meredith are watching Derek, Fletcher and Burke from another part of the bar.

"He's picturing my face. He's totally picturing that dart puncturing my skull." Cristina says.

But the sin you don't hear much about is anger.

Burke flexes a muscle. "Whoa! Look at that." Cristina says.

Maybe it's because we think anger's not that dangerous.

Derek and Meredith exchange angry glances.

"Derek...Derek is picturing you." Izzie says.

That we can control it.

"He called me a whore. He lost the right to picture me." Meredith says.

"Hmm." Izzie says.

"Well can you get your Mcass under control? He's got my husband all bitter now- like so what? I feel asleep during dinner. Boo-hoo." Evi complains.

"So I fall asleep during sex. So what?" Cristina agrees with Evi.

"Ass." Cristina and Evi say loudly.

"Ass!" Meredith exclaims after.

Alex walks by them. "Oh, ass! Hey!" Izzie greets.

"Isobel Stevens has finally left the hospital. Does this mean heart patient dude finally kicked it?" Alex asks.

"I'm sorry. This section of the bar is for surgeons. We don't socialize with gynecologists." Evi says pushing Alex away from them.

George enters the bar next. "George!" Izzie exclaims.

My point is, maybe we don't give anger enough credit.

Callie is with George. "Hey." Izzie greets.

"Hi, Callie." Meredith says.

"Hi, Dr. Torres." Cristina greets.

"Hi." Evi says.

Maybe it can be a lot more dangerous than we think. After all, when it comes to destructive behavior...

"Uh, gin and tonic and a beer." George orders.

...it did make the top seven.


"Lower left leg deformity from GSW. Pedal pulse is strong and intact. Paramedics said he got five of morphine in the field." Evi says tending to a man's wounds.

"Trust me, it was not enough." He grins.

"Probably got the tibia. Rule out other injuries then get him up to Radiology." Fletcher says not sparing Evi another glance. She pouts.


"Two dead, 14 injured. The policeman say the gunman got away so there could be more incoming." Richard tells Burke.

"I could stay. We could send Bailey." Burke says.

"No. You're our only cardiothoracic transplant specialist. You go get that heart." Richard says.

Cristina and Alex are watching from nearby. "Oh, forget it, Karev. I already asked."

Alex runs after Burke. "It's not going to...happen."

Evi beat them both to it.

"Hey Dr. Burke- I was wondering if you needed an extra hand on the transplant..." Evi trails off hopeful.

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