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"You know, he's acting like I committed a crime. Like my apartment is full of stolen goods." Cristina says walking into the locker room.

George walks off as Cristina dumps her stuff in her locker ranting to Meredith.

"He's acting like I kept my apartment to hide stolen goods so I can do illegal transactions for money." She continues.

"Are you sure he's just not acting like you lied about moving in?" Evi asks.

Cristina makes a face. "Ok, what's wrong with you?" She asks Meredith.

"My mommy's a filthy whore." She says making Evi's eyes widen.


"Chuck Eaton. 54. Has stage 3B non small cell lung cancer with possible invasion of the pleura. And a history of COPD. He's had extensive chemo-radiotherapy with minimal regression of the tumor. He's been admitted for radical and block re-section." Meredith presents.

"I was a smoker. The ah oncologist, he explained that I have a 25% chance of surviving the surgery." Chuck says.

"Well unfortunately that's about right. If you should elect not to proceed we can make you more comfortable." Burke says.

"With all do respect ah- there's no way you can make a man dying a slow death comfortable. I'll roll the dice." Chuck says.

Cristina, Evi, Meredith and Alex were standing with Bailey holding her baby boy Will.

"Good morning Dr. Bailey. Hi, big boy!" Izzie says in a baby's voice.

"Are the OR's up and running?" Bailey asks.

"Ah yeah fully functional. Except there's some smoke damage to the corridor." Cristina says.

"How bout you? You fully functional?" Bailey asks Evi.

Evi nods. "I'm fine- semi-fine I have to get cleared for surgery. How's your husband?"

"Take him home tomorrow." Will makes a cute noise and Bailey does a little baby voice as well. "Yes we are. Yeah. Yeah."

Izzie joins in. "Oh, you're cute. I know you are."

"Okay this is not a tea party. Go work. Save some lives. Jensen get cleared!" Bailey says sending them off. They disperse quickly "Now!" Bailey chuckles and walks down the other way.


Evi flops down beside Meredith at a nurses station.

"What's wrong with you?" Meredith asks her looking away from the computer.

"My therapist is an ass." Evi says peeling the sticker off her apple.

"How so? Did you get cleared yet?"

"No! Because he thinks I'm sort of crazy, suicidal chick. And I'm not a crazy, suicidal chick. I mean I put my hand in someone's chest which happened to have a bomb in it but so what?" Evi says.

"Invasive non-cell. With a history of COPD." A brown-haired stranger says coming up behind the two girls. He shrugs. "That guy's pretty much a goner, huh?"

"Sensitivity. I like that in a stranger." Meredith says.

"Are you new here?" Evi asks.

"Visiting. Confounded by all the rain and it's only my first day in town." He says to the two.

"You get used to it." Evi says standing to move with Meredith.

They move away from the computer a few feet away. The stranger follows them.

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