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"Four surgeries, four fatalities and the day has barely started." George says. He turns to Cristina. "Can I have a bite of that?"

"No. You're in my apartment, you don't get to be in my food." Cristina says.

"Dr. Burke gave me a protein bar, this morning." George says.

"Burke packs his lunch for him. Did I mention?" Cristina says annoyed.

"Izzie and I talked to the morgue guy this morning." Evi says.

"The one with the unibrow?" Meredith asks.

"The one with the like teeth thing. And he said that surgical fatalities come in threes and sevens." Izzie says.

"He says there'll be three more before midnight." Evi says.

"Well, ok then. Since "dead tooth" morgue guy said so." Cristina says.

"He's the morgue guy. He knows things about death." Evi says.

Meredith picks up something from the floor and tries to hand it to George. "You dropped this."

George doesn't take it and walks away. "He's still ignoring me."

"Ignore him back." Evi says tying her shoes.

"Derek says I should apologize until he listens." Meredith says.

"Derek says?" Cristina and Evi ask.

"It's good advice. He's my friend. That's good friend advice." Meredith defends.

Bailey enters the locker room. "Come on." She says.

"Where?" Meredith asks.


"All of us?" George asks.

"We've all had deaths. Let's all go save a life." Bailey says. They all begin walking through the hall, as they walk by the nurse's station Addison stops them.

"Uh, Dr. Bailey." Addison hands her a cup. "Here you go."

"What's this?" Bailey asks.

"Hot cocoa. It's a little ritual we had in New York. Four surgeries, four deaths, I figure we could all use a little good juju."

"And cocoa equals juju how?"

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't question the cocoa. Carry on." They all start to walk away, Meredith is trailing behind.

"Are you gonna drink that?" Evi asks Meredith.

"No." She says getting ready to throw in into the trash.

"Well can I have it? I'm dying for something to drink." Evi asks.

Meredith looks at her before handing her the cup.



Bailey and her interns are gathered around a silent ER. "Great. No blood, no guts, no lives to save. It's dead quiet." Cristina complains.

"Did you really just say that?" Evi asks.

"Cristina..." Izzie says.

"What?" She asks.

"You said the Q-word." George says.

"It's like saying Macbeth in theater." Izzie says.

"Please. You think because someone says it's quiet that it'll mean-" The ER doors open. "Can somebody help us here? She's coughing up blood."

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