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Oh my titian Oh my titan Oh my titan. Why did I ask that. Now everything is going to be awkward between me and Emira. Plus there is no way this mans is single. I mean look at him. The Golden Guard turns his head to look at Edric who is peacefully sleeping in the tent. He is just so cute. I would do anything to be with him. 

"No Ed is far from taken. He is so single." Emira replies laughing. The Golden Guard smiles underneath his golden owl mask. 

"Does Edric like anyone."The Golden Guard asks trying to continue on this topic.

"I honestly don't know. I remember there was this one guy at Hexside who liked him I think his name was Jerbo but I honestly don't know. I know Ed didn't like him back." Emira replies 

"Huh." The Golden Guard says while looking down at his boots. 

" you like my brother?!" Emira squeals. 

"Whaaaatttt...noooooo...." The Golden Guard drags on. Emira looks not convinced. 

"So is that why you wanted to bring us on this mission?" Emira asked and the Golden Guard slowly nodded. "You know what I am going to help you! First piece of advice you have to be at least besties with me, because if I like you he will like and maybe in romantic way." Emira starts off. 

"Well to me you are my "bestie" because I never really had any friends except Steve and Kiki." The Golden Guard explains. 

"You are mine too" Emira says with a smile. Edric starts to wake up. "Ok now is your chance woo my brother." Emira pushes the Golden Guard towards the tent. The Golden Guard walks towards the tent then goes inside. 

"Heyyy...Edric are you feeling any better?" The Golden Guard walks in shyly. 

"Yeah I am feeling more POWERFUL!" Edric say confidently. The two of them just sat there and laughed. "Oh and by the way you can call me Ed." The Golden Guard starts blushing underneath his mask. In the distance they all hear a big roar. 

"What was that?!?!" The Golden Guarded shouted. Emira pokes into the tent.

"That is an untamed griffin. And it seems like it is coming right towards us. So we got to move!" Emira shouts. It was too late the griffin was already at the campsite. 

"We have no choice we have to battle it." The Golden Guard says. Emira nods and gets out side to cast a spell. Ed tries to get up but he still feels really dizzy. "Ed stay here for my sake." The Golden Guard says while leaving Edric in the tent. Edric started to blush like crazy. 

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