The Owl House

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Ed, Em and the Golden Guard sneakily walk into the owl house. They walk around to see what is going on. 

"Huh everything seems normal." Edric says with a smirk on his face while a ice speak gets thrown right between Ed and the Golden Guard.

"Normal?! This is pure chaos" The Golden Guard responds

"Normal to Luz standards" The Blight twins giggled

They turned their heads to see Lilith and Hooty making a potion. And over in a corner King is sitting and watching the demon channel on the Orb. Luz and Eda were practicing glyph magic by the door and accidentally hitting Hootys long owl tube of a body. 

"Hey kid maybe we should practice the glyph magic outside and stop destroying my house." Eda snarls. 

"Sure...Oh crap I forgot about Amity! Bye Eda" Luz says while sprinting out the door. 

"Why does Luz need to go see Amity?" Golden Guard whispered 

"Because their friends duh" Edric replies 

"And friends actually hangout with each other?" the Golden Guard responds 

"Yes they do. Have you ever had friends before?" Edric says then realizing how offensive he was. "Oh no I am so sorry I didn't mean that."

The Golden Guard just sat there and pondered that question. He has been working for the Emperor for his whole life and put work before everything else. He never stopped to make friends. Are Edric and Emira my friends? And can I be more than friends with Edric. The Golden Guard thought to himself. 

"I am sorry for Edric he can an idiot" Emira apologizes. And the Golden Guard smiles under his golden owl mask. 

"Well there is a lot actually to report back to the Emperor. Like how they are making potions. And that they are getting more powerful with glyph magic. Also Luz is close to the Blights." The Golden Guard says trying to ease the mood. 

"So are we done for the day because I am starting to feel a little bit of weak." Edric chimes in. 

"Yeah I am starting feeling a little bit weak too" Emira agrees

"Ok we can go set up camp somewhere in the woods." the Golden guards says. 

The Golden Guard and the Blight twins walk out of the owl house. Edric was silent of the whole way to their camp site. The Blight twins lost all their energy. But they feel like they have to go on so they can help stop the emperor. The Golden Guard started to feel guilty for pulling the twins in this kind of work. Yes they were smart and powerful but they weren't ready. The Golden Guard could see Edric's face through out the day go down and now less lively than ever. 

Why do I have such an emotional connection to this guy. I knew him for what 3 seconds and I already want to marry him. Ok I don't want to marry him that is too far. But he seems special like I am meant to be with him. The Golden Guard thought to himself. 

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